Chapter 3: Collide

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[Leyvine's POV]

Bzzz... bzzz.... Bzzzzzzz...

Aish! Where is that sound coming from? With a half awake eyes; I searched for it only to find out that it was an alarm from my handy phone.

Just as I was about to get from bed, I felt that my legs are numb, oh no! Not now please. I was trying to somehow stand up and I failed, I just fall in the ground and I realized that my nose is bleeding. I can't do anything so I just cry my heart out. I was scared, is this really happening to me?. After a few minutes, I realized that I put the medicines in my drawer. I was a long journey of crawling until I reached the drawer; I immediately too up the medicine and drink some water that is left in the table also. I took a deep breathe and hoping that the pain will soon be gone and unconsciously, I fell asleep on where I was.

After some time, I opened my eyes to see myself lying on floor, and hey! I can move my legs again! Whew! That was close.

I get up and when to the phone to order a room service again for my breakfast. After I hanged up, I check my phone and I saw that I have 10 messages, and 15 missed calls. 9 of those messages are coming from my mother and the missed calls are coming from our butler, maybe they already found out the note that I left in my mother's room. I also have a message coming from cassey.

Good morning gonju! Do you have plans for today? Do you want to spend your day with me? Call me!~ cassey

Since I don't have plans yet, I called her.


"girl! I know you will call, can't resist me eh? Hahaha!"

"maybe I should hang this call? "

"I'm just kidding! Anyway, I will go to my internship now, do you want to tag along?"

"is it okay with you? And the company?"

"of course! I already prepare for it! I'm going to pick you up in the hotel in 15mins. Ciao!"

Before I utter another word, she just hung up the call.

Aish! This girl! Sometimes I wonder why she became my best friend, come to think of it, she was the only friend I had, since of course, because I'm princess and I'm not allowed to befriend anybody for my own security purposes. It just that cassey is the daughter of one of our maids and she grew up with me in our home.

I put on a simple pink blouse, a brown skinny jeans, doll shoes and voila! I'm done. I didn't do my hair, I just combed it a little. Just after I put my handy phone and wallet in my small backpack, someone knocked into my door, and it was cassey!

"girl! Are you ready? We're going to be late!"

"yeah! I'm here you pabo!"

As we exited the hotel doors, I was stunned to see a white car parked in front of the hotel.

"hop in!" cassey said, as she turn off the alarm of the car.

"is this yours?"

"no, it belongs to the hotel guards! Silly girl! Of course it was mine, how do you think I can turn off the alarm if its not mine?" she said in-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"ok fine! You win!" I said and then enter inside the car.

As cassey is driving in the roads of the city, I was just staring blankly outside and the whole journey is quiet.

She parked in a building that has a SM letters outside it.

"We're here!" cassey said.

As we enter the elevator and cassey pressed the number 12 button, I asked her.

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