Chapter 8: Pulling Down

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[Leyvine POV]

I really felt the heaviness of my body as if I was chained to it. After a few minutes, I managed to get up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I get a black hoodie from my closet and a yellow leggings and went out to the kitchen.  As I sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen, I saw ryeowook preparing breakfast for everybody; he turned to me and said.

"good morning! Are you hungry already? Breakfast is ready in a few minutes."  He said while smiling back to me.

"its okay oppa, you don't need to rush. Where is everybody?"

"they are still in their rooms sleeping, can you do me a favor waking them up for me? We still have a practice at 9." He said,

I nooded but before I reached the hallway going to their rooms, a tall guy bumped into me. I didn't noticed him until he said,

"ow, im sorry! Good morning leyvine-sshi" he said, he has a very charismatic aura that the moment you saw him, you could melt anytime.

"mianhe, you're eunhyuk-sshi right?" I asked. I was hoping that I was right since donghae help me the other day about the members' names.

He gave me a are-you-serious looked, maybe I was wrong L this was too embarrassing!.

"Do I look like a monkey to you?"he said while laughing. "I'm just kidding,"I'm choi siwon, you could me oppa,  I supposed you haven't memorized our names yet?"

I want to disappear infront of him now, I thought I already know their names, gosh!.

"donghae oppa helped me the other day regarding your names and your backgrounds, maybe my brain did failed me after all. Don't worry, I'll try my best to memorized all of your names in no time" I said while still awkwardly looking on the floor due to embarrassment.

"no worries, anyway, where are you heading?" he asked.

Before I could answer his question, I saw the guys going out of their rooms one by one, I think I don't need to wake them up after all.

"actually I was on my way to wake up you guys for breakfast as ryeowook-sshi told me"

"There is no need for it leyvine-sshi. Just go back to the kitchen for the breakfast." He said as he patted on my shoulders.

I go back to the kitchen and I saw them sitting in their places. I sat down beside sungmin oppa and donghae oppa. After the guys ate their foods, they immediately leave for their respective schedules and practice.  I went to the living room and sat on the sofa only to realize that I was alone today. I get the remote to the flat screen and started browsing channels. After a few minutes, I felt sleepy so I go to my room to take nap.

Before I close my eyes, I checked my phone and I saw a message coming from cassey. I wonder what she needs now.

From : cassandra

Hello gonju! Can you meet me at starbucks today 10am. I need to tell you something.

Although I was curious on what will she needs to tell me, I replied back.

"do I really need to come over there? Can you just tell me via phone everything; i'm lying in my bed right now"

After a minute, I received her reply

From cassandra:

Omo! Are you okay? I'm just going to drop by there.

After I read her message, I don't have the energy to reply back as I feel my eyes shut down.

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