Chapter 22: Reflection

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[Leyvine POV]

2 months had passed and the boys are become busier in promoting their new album. It was a big step for them because they are not just promoting it in Korea itself, but also overseas. Their new single coming from the album became a hit and Top 1 in some music charts in the Southeast Asia. Also, I was with them during their promotions as their official translator. It was a good thing that I know different language, or else, I may find myself not useful to them. I mean, I want to return the good deeds that they have done to me by being a useful translator to them. All the other members came back with me in Korea right after our interview as for Henry, Zhoumi and Donghae they stayed in Taiwan since they will be filming a drama there.

It was already 11pm when we reached the dorm coming from the airport. It was visible on the members the tiredness since they are transferring from one country to another without proper rest. They went to their respective rooms as well as me. I entered my room and I saw a white envelope on top of my bed, I get it and it was letter coming from our country. I didn't read the letter yet; I went to bathroom first to ease myself from the stress and went out a few minutes. As I find myself comfortable sitting in my bed, I started reading the letter. As I was reading the letter, I didn't know what exactly I should felt on the news that was said to me. Should I be mad? Should I be happy? Should I be sad? Thinking these thoughts makes me feel my eyes heavier and I just give in, and went to dreamland.

[Donghae POV]

Helping my dongsaeng in his proposal is really hard on my part since the girl that he is proposing too is the girl that I hold dear in my heart. Yes, I still love her, and I'm still miss her. But I have to let her go, she deserves to be happy in Kyuhyun's hands, and I know he will take good care of her.

In order to move on, I keep myself busy in our daily schedules and promoting our new album. She joined us in promoting our new album overseas and I admit, it can't hold but reminisce the memories that we had during our world tour. The times were she is still mine. And now, she already belongs to someone else. Well so much for the drama, the guys went back to Korea as Zhoumi, Henry and I left behind here in Taiwan. I was not supposed to join this two but I insisted to Manager Hyungnim to include me in the drama, why? Well, I just want to go far away from her, to heal my heart.

-The Next Day-

"did you know where she went?"

"I don't know, maybe she eloped with the one she truly loves."

"NO! This can't be happening!!"


"CUT! Okay go take, 30 minutes break!" The director said.

I went back on the tent where Zhoumi and Henry is resting. They are already done with their parts on the drama and they decided to wait for me. As I sat down beside them, I asked them if they some coffee.

"sure hyung! Could you also grab some lychee muffins for me along the way?" Henry asked while giving me his aegyo.

"aigoo! You don't have to do that to me, I get you some." I said as I went to my car and drove to the coffee shop.

Even here, i still have to wear disguise, I don't want to be in the headlines of the newspaper here in the next morning, so put on my cap and a dark shades and went inside the coffee shop.

"Ni hao! May I know your order sir?" the lady in the cashier asked.

"I would like to order 3 mocha frappucino and 2 lychee muffins, all for take out please" I said as I handed her the payment for my order. After he gave me my change, I sat down on the one of table chair in the coffee shop and waited for my order.

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