Chapter 7: Let's Call it A Day

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[Leyvine POV]

I got woke up by the sun that is coming from my windows. I was still lazy to get up from my bed and with this I'm happy, because way back to the mansion, I was asked to woke on time in the morning, you know, royal attitudes 101. But this time, I have all the freedom, I just hope that this will last forever, but I know it won't.

After an hour, I managed to get up from my bed, and I realized that it was already 10am, maybe I slept that long. I went to the bathroom, take my shower, and put my white tee, yellow pants and walk towards to the kitchen to get something to eat. To my surprise, the dorm is really quiet, I wonder where are they right now, it was right there and then that I saw a noted in kitchen table and a plate with pancakes.

"good morning leyvine-sshi! I hope you like these pancakes for your breakfast, all of the members went for our individual schedules and only sungmin-hyung is free today, I hope he keep you accompanied. We will be back by evening. Have a nice day! ^^ -kim ryeowook"

I smiled as I put down the note and started eating my pancakes. Wow! It was delicious! I wonder who made this. There are no maids or chefs around so I think it is one of them who made this.

After I wash my own plates (yes! I know how to wash plates, im not like other royalties who can't do anything aside from breathing.) I went to the living room. I grab my handyphone and texted cassey, I hope she's not busy right now.

"cassey! How are you? Please beep me!" then I pressed the send button.

After a minute, I received a text coming from her!

"hi girl! I'm sorry I didn't have time for you, are settled already in your new place? Are they nice to you? Are you ok?" so cassey did all of these arrangements. I replied back.

"they are nice ^^, although I was able to talk to one of them as of now. I find it awkward to approach them since they are busy."

I went down my phone, and I started to feel dizzy, my visions become blurry and before I knew it, everything went black. Here it goes again.

[Sungmin POV]

All of the members went to their individual schedules and they told me to accompany leyvine in the dorm, so I took this opportunity to get close to her. A few minutes after they left, I change into my disguise (I really need to do these to not attract fans as I go outside) and went to the nearest convenience store to buy a strawberry desserts, I do hope she likes it.

I went back safely, thank heavens no one recognize me at the convenience store, as I open the door of our dorm, I was shocked to see leyvine lying on the floor.

I immediately put the smooties on the kitchen and when to leyvine, she looks so pale, and her nose is bleeding! Oh my gosh! What should I do?

I was panicking while I'm waking leyvine up,

"leyvine! Leyvine sshi! Wake up!"

I grab my handphone from my pocket and dialed kyuhyun's number, but before he answer it, I just drop the call, I realized he can't answer the call since he's recording radio star right now and maybe his phone is not with him at the moment. I think that I should get her to the hospital, but it will create a scandal as the people might recognize me there, aish! What should I do?!

I carried her bridal style and get her laid in her own bed in her room.  I wiped away the blood in her philtrums and I prayed that she will be ok. After a few hours, i feel that her hand moved as she opened her eyes.

"Where am i? Who are you?" she asked, wait! Did she have amnesia? Wait! There are no way she could have that, maybe she just don't know me or she forgot my name.

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