Chapter 6: Weird

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[Leyvine's POV]

"I have a favor to ask to you, is it ok?"

I gather all the guts that I have in me to ask him these. Well it's not that easy to ask a favor you don't know well.

"sure, what is it?" he said.

"uhhmm.. can you describe me the members of your group? I mean I don't have any idea about your group and to the members?" I said in a low-tone voice.

"wait for awhile, I'm going to get something from my room." He said as he get up from the edge of my bed and walk towards the door.

I was wondering, what is he going to get that can help him introduce the members. Is he going to gather everyone and let them introduce themselves to me? I was really curious.

He returned to my room with his laptop on his hand, he sat again on the edge of my bed and he showed me the profile of their members.

I was surprise that after all these years their group is still standing in the music industry. They must really work hard to attain the position they are into right now.

[Kyuhyun POV]

I was surprise to saw her, she was the girl from the coffee shop and the same girl that I help with in the SM building she is LC!, small world eh? Wait, she told me that her name is LC and hyung-nim introduce her to us as leyvine, did she lied to me? .

After manager hyung-nim left, I was already thinking on how will I approach her, does she still remember me? Thinking about this thing I didn't realized that it was already dinner time.

"kyuhyun-ah! Dinner's ready" sungmin-hyung said.

That's it! Now I know what to do.

I walked through the hall way until I reached the entrance to her door, I knock, and there's no answer, maybe she didn't hear it, I knocked again, still no response. After several attempts I realized that these will not work, I should make a move, but that would scare her and it's not right to invade her privacy. After my last knock, I try to talk near her door and said.

"leyvine-sshi, the dinner is ready, we will wait for you in the kitchen" whew! I hope she heard it. And luckily she said, "ne!"

Good job cho kyuhyun! Kekeke~

During the dinner, I keep on glancing to her, and I admit I can't help but to admire her, she had a long burgundy colored and sapphire blue colored eyes. She is like a doll that comes to life. I wonder how manager hyung-nim finds her.

As everybody finished eating the dinner, I went to my room to play starcraft.

I can't focus on playing the said game, aish! What is happening to me?! Good thing sungmin hyung is not around our room or else he will tease me to death knowing that I keep missing in the game. I log-out from the game and get my handyphone, and I texted manager hyung-nim.

"hyung! I would like to ask you something? Are you busy?" then I pressed the sent button.

After a few minutes, he replied back.

"what is it maknae? Did you get into trouble again?" why is it that they think that way to me? Am I really a troublesome? Kekeke~

"ani! I'm the tamest people living here in the dorm! Kekeke!~ either way, how did you know leyvine-sshi?" I asked.

"well, she happened to be one of the friends of my friend. Actually I find it weird to look at her, are you mesmerized also by her looks?" as I read his messages, my face turned red unconsciously, am I really mesmerized by her beauty?

"it's a secret hyung! Kekeke~ can you tell me something about her?"

"the reality is, I don't know more about her, except for her name, and she knows how to speak english fluently, and also her weird phobia."

"she had a phobia? On what?" I asked. I was very curious to know.

"Her friend said that she had a phobia on men wearing black tux. I find it weird. Anyway, gotta go. Just behave maknae, arasso?" he replied. I didn't replied back on his message because I find it non-sense for me to really behave; after all I'm the evil maknae! Kekeke~ but what stick to my mind right now is that why is she have a phobia on men wearing black tux?. My eyes starting to give up and eventually, I went on to the dreamland

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