Chapter 36: Sunshine of Hope

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[Donghae POV]

I’m not still in the mood to get up from sleeping when someone keeps on shaking me. I tried to ignore it, but it was more annoying.

“Donghae! Lee Donghae! Wake up!.” He said I tried to sit down and look to the person who is trying to wake me up, it was eunhyuk.

“What is it that you want early this morning?” I asked as I was still combing my hair with my hands.

“yah! You need to prepare now, we will be leaving in 30 minutes or else we will be left behind by our plane.” After I hear him say it, I was already in senses, so immediately went to the bathroom and take a quick shower and changed into some clothes.

I grabbed my luggage and went down the dorms where our van is waiting for us.

It was lucky that there is no traffic and we reached the airport in 15 minutes and there we saw manager hyung-nim waiting for us.

“So are you both ready?” he asked.

We nooded and we already boarded to our plane. Since it was on the other side of the world, it will be a long trip for eunhyuk and I. After we settle ourselves inside the plane, I closed my eyes and continued dreaming about her.


[Heather POV]

Princess, please lift up your arms.” The royal courtrige said as I followed what she said and she took a measurement of my waistline.

It has been announced here in Arlington and in Antovia about my marriage with prince Aiden. I know I was also shocked when I know his name; he had the same english name as donghae. Our royal marriage will be held in London 1 week from now, due to the request of Queen Elizabeth of United Kingdom, Prince Aiden’s great grandmother.

After they took all my body measurements for my wedding gown. I was left alone inside my room until someone knocked in my door. I looked at it and it was prince aiden.

“Oh hello prince aiden, please come inside.” I said he smiled and went inside my room.

He sits down in a chair near my bed and I sat at the edge of my bed.

“How are you today heather?” he asked.

“I’m fine, still a little nervous, how about you?” I asked.

“I’m more nervous than you are, but we already talked about it right?” he said.

Prince Aiden is a very nice person. Even though he is a royalty, he is still down to earth. As time went by, I was able to know him more; we even sometimes sneek out of the palace and went on the public stores just to have fun. He also cares for other people, there was this one time when we saw an old woman walking down the street like she was lost, aiden approached him and help her find her way back home. As I get closer to him, I can’t held but to think that he almost like Donghae, and I admit, I do really miss him a lot. I was still updated about him, but these past few days, Lei stopped sending me news about him. Maybe he was too busy in his career. Or maybe he already moved on. With that thought, I was hurting deep inside, I still love him, but I just left him. I deserve this pain.

After having a little conversation with Aiden, we both left my room and went to the Buckingham palace to give respects to Queen Elizabeth.

[Donghae POV]

After hours of being in the airspace, we made it already on the London International Airport. There were some fans waiting for us, so Eunhyuk and I waved to them as we meet the director for our Music Video.

During the ride on the way to our hotel, the director explained to us the concept for the music video.

“For this music video, you don’t need to act much. We will shoot on the different place here in London like in the London eye, Big Ben etc. But you just have to portray the emotion of the song.” He briefly explained as we both nooded.

Soon after we reached our hotel and we check in and we settle ourselves on our hotel room.

“So boys, you have a free day today, tomorrow we will start filming your music video, just make sure to wake up by 7am tomorrow morning arasso?” manager hyungnim said.

We both nooded and he left us inside our hotel room.

“I will first to use the bathroom donghae-yah. Don’t peek inside!” he teasingly said as he went inside the bathroom and I laughed on how he reacted. He was more childish that I.

I grabe my suitcase and started unpacking my things and I put it in my closet. I was almost done when I noticed an envelope at the butttom of my suitcase. I opened it, and I was surprised, it was letter from Lei. When did she have time to put this inside my suitcase. I opened the letter and started reading it.

Dear Donghae,

            I know the moment you read this letter; you are now in London, filming for your Music video with Eunhyuk oppa. You maybe wondering why I wrote you a letter right?. Well, I will give a good and bad news. The good news is, Heather is also in London right now, like you, she misses you more than you know, and believe me, and she still loves you. The bad news is, 1 week from now, she will tie a knot with the prince of Arlington. I’m sorry if I told you this just now. Actually, I was on my way there also few days from now for her wedding. Either way, do you still remember the necklace that I gave to you? In case you forgot it, I put it on your other suitcase. Do you still remember what I told you about it? Well, now is the right time for you to use it. Donghae, my sister loves you so much. Please find her. I still believe it’s not yet too late. Follow your heart oppa, and it will lead you back in her arms.



Aftet I read her letter, I opened my other suitcase and I was surprised that the box where the necklace is placed in is inside. I was so happy about what Lei told me. She still loves me, but he will be marrying the prince a few days from now and we have to film our music video by tomorrow. What should I do? London also is so big, where should I start looking for her?

I have these questions running in my mind as I was looking on the necklace.

“we should start on the place where we will be filming the first scene of our music video.” Eunhyuk said as I was surprised that he sat down beside me.

“Did you also know about it?” I asked,

“babo! You were saying out loud your thoughts, and I could hear it from the bathroom.” He said as he tapped my head.

“yah! You monkey!” I said as I stand up

“we should order our dinner loverboy, its getting late already, we will start looking tomorrow arasso?” he said as he get the phone and order room service for our dinner.

After we had our dinner, we finished unpacking the remaining luggage that we had and we both went to our beds.

“please wait for me, my love.” I whispered to myself as I gently close my eyes and went to sleep.

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