Chapter 42: The Recreation Of Happiness

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[Leyvine POV]

Times surely flew so fast and I was already in my 8th month of pregnancy. Looking back on the past few months, it’s been rough for both kyuhyun and I. After we knew about my pregnancy, we both decided to go back to Antovia to tell it personally to my parents about the news. They were all shocked and they wanted me to have an abortion, but after a series of persuading them, they all just agreed on our decision on keeping the baby, even if it cost my own life. After staying for a week there, we decided to go back to the Korea and announced the news to their fans; it was a relief to know that all of them wished for a good health of our baby and congratulated us for a new blessing in our lives. We also decided to keep ourselves about my situation, but I admit, as time went by; I noticed kyuhyun crying silently about my situation. I, too don’t want to leave him, and I just want to stay forever with him, but this is our fate.

Earlier this morning, Kyuhyun and some of the members of Super Junior M went to Taiwan for the recording and filming of their new album, he told me that they will stay there for 3 weeks and he will came back as soon as possible, I know deep within me, I want to accompany him there, but these pregnancy didn’t allow me to travel anymore. It was a good thing that Heather stayed here with me in our house since donghae is also with Kyuhyun in Taiwan.

“Mom called awhile ago asking about your situation, I said you were doing great so far.” She said as she sat down beside me and we both watched a movie in the flat screen.

“I see. Well call them now, I want to talk to them also, its be awhile.” I said as she grab the phone and connected it to the screen for the video call.

After a few rings, they atlast answered.

“Hello Heather dear! Oh! Hello leyvine dear! I missed you both!” my mother exclaimed.

“where doing fine mom” I said.

SO how’s the baby?” she asked.

“She’s doing great mom, I’m on my 8th month already and probably, you will be able to see my baby next month” I answered.

“I’m so excited to see our next generation princesses and princes. Well, you dad and I actually. Hehehe.” She laughingly said.

“How about you? How are you? You’re not receiving any treatment that is why your we are so worried about you.” She added.

“there are dark times mom, but I always remind myself that I can do this for the sake of our child. “ I said.

“I know, how we wish you will just stay here so that we could spend some more time with you. “ she said. Suddenly, I felt some tears falling down from my eyes and my sister handed me a few tissues in my hand. I really miss my parents, I’m also hoping that I have a much longer life to be with them.

“I miss you mom and also dad, kindly send my regards to him.” I said as I bid goodbye to her.

“So do you have any plans on telling them? They need to know what will be their grandchild will be.” Heather said.

“I want it to be surprised, I hope you did not spill it out from donghae oppa.” I said.

Actually, I didn’t tell anyone not even to kyuhyun the gender of our baby, I want to surprise them as I gave birth. Only heather and I knows about it.

Surely, even we didn’t notice the time and the day has come, the day that I will induce labor.

Kyuhyun hurriedly rushed me in the hospital, he was more nervous than I. I noticed it since he keep on making wrong routes going to the hospital. My parents want me to give birth at Antovia since they want to see first our child, but I requested I want my child to be a Korean citizen at birth and a true blooded antovian by heart. With these, my parents flew immediately here in Korea secretly since we didn’t want the media to be buzz about it, although sooner or later we will announced the birth of my child.

The hospital I went in has the most advanced medical technology here in Korea, giving consideration that I was going to give birth to a royalty. I was in my room with kyuhyun never letting go and my hand as I could feel the contractions became more often than the usual.  The members of the Super Junior as well as Heather went in after my parents arrived. They all told me the same thing.

“Just relax and keep on breathing slowly.”

These are the words I keep on reminding myself everytime I would feel the pain of contractions, my felt that my whole body is starting to get numb. The doctors keep running in and out of the room as the head doctor said.

“We need to get her in the delivery room now mr. cho, your wife was about to give birth, but we’re worried if she could make it or not, her Blood pressure continued to drop and we have no other choice but to do a C-section.” They explained to kyuhyun. I saw him holding my hand tighter, and my sight is slowly fading.

“Please Jagiya, hold on for and for our baby.” He whispered in my ear as he slowly let go of my hand and they put me in the delivery room.

As my body continued to become numb and all I can see is the white light coming form the operating room, all of the memories that I had with kyuhyun and the super junior keep flashing in my mind, then the dream that I would always want, and that is to have a family together with kyuhyun.

“Is this really it? Am I going to die now?” I asked to myself

Then slowly, little by little, everything turned black.

[Kyuhyun POV]

3 hours had passed since they brought Lei inside the delivery room. I was really nervous, I keep on walking back and fourth inside the waiting area. I was with my members and Lei’s parents and heather. We are all praying and hoping that both of them will be safe.

Another hour had passed and one doctor came out from the delivery room, holding a baby in his arms.

“Congratulations Mr. Cho you have a bouncing baby boy” he said as he handed me my little baby boy.

“And a bouncing baby girl.” Then a nurse came from his behind appeared infront of me, holding a very cute baby girl.

I can’t believe the kind of happiness I have right now, as I have both in my arms, our little bundles of joy.

OMO! They are so cute!” Sungmin said as he looked at my baby boy.

She looks like Lei!” Yesung said.

I felt some tears coming from my eyes as I was still looking at them for a few minutes until I handed them over to the nurses for them to be in the baby nursery, then I approached the doctor.

“Doctor, how is Lei? Where is she?”

“I’m sorry Mr. Cho, but Ms. Lei…..”

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