♕ Lachlan's message to Nctzens ♕

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I am so fucking scared to post this, omg!
Warning; Mention (?) I guess of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and I think that's it. Don't worry, nothing Graphic it's just like mentions of it? I'm confused and scared... I hope you enjoy 💓


"So uh—yeah, hi guys! It's been a week since I returned home and I have been overwhelmed with messages and love from you guys. I know that you were all a big part to the investigation and were praying that I would make it home and so, I wanted to sit here and thank you guys. I am so grateful for everything you guys do, you have given me a life that I thought I could only imagine, a life that I thought only existed in the movies. You guys have provided me with love and along the way on this incredible journey together, you have not only given me the support but you guys taught me how to love myself and showed me that I do have self worth. I am never normally the sappy type but I think right now it's valid." Chaehyun paused and took a breath, his hands reached up to his hair and he swiftly ran his fingers through the dyed black locks before continuing.

"I check Twitter, I see you messages and there are many - too many - that tell me about how you don't feel beautiful or talented. Many open up to me about your anxiety or your depression or any other issue you may have. You guys have opened up to me and it's not often that I respond because there's so many but just know, I mean this for everyone of you who doesn't feel good about themselves."

Chaehyun looked down at the ground, his hand fiddling with the ring on his finger before he lifted his gaze to the camera that was recording him.

"You were made the way you are for a reason. You may not see the beauty, you may not see a likeable person, you may not see somebody that people could get along with. But, believe me. You are amazing in your own way and I know that so many people will say it, but have you ever thought that so many people say it...because it's true? You don't need to dress a certain way to be beautiful or cool. You don't need to act a particular way to be liked. You don't need to be somebody you are not. You were made as you and that's the person that people will like the most and if they don't, that means they are not meant to be your friend. That person is the type that doesn't fit your personality and that person is the type you need to let go of. You're amazing. You're a bomb ass queen/king."

Chaehyun grimaced and shook his head. "I will never say bomb ass again. Anyway, as for those of you dealing with something whether that's home problems, mental health problems, health problems altogether, whether you are grieving the loss of somebody or something, anything. Then never feel ashamed about it and definitely do not bottle it up. Because think of it this way, if you hide the way you're really feeling it's like filling up a bottle with water. The more you fill it, the closer the water gets to tipping over the edge. And when you reach the brim, the water starts to overflow and that's how your emotions will go. You will bottle up your emotions and then eventually, you will start to overflow and just break. Believe me my friends, I've been there. And this may be said a lot, but trust me. At some point, there will be a time when things start to go your way. May take some time, but it will happen. Just be patient. Let the storm pass and fight through it."

Chaehyun smiled sheepishly at his hands, feeling a little shy as he picked at the ring on his finger once again, before sighing and looking up.

"And for those of you who feel like life is completely hopeless, like it's better off without you in it. Like nobody will miss you, I want you to listen closely. It's okay to feel down and it's even more okay to feel broken. We all do at some point but some are just a little more broken than others and that's completely fine. But I want you to place your hand, over your heart. Can you feel it beating? Yes. And it's beating for a reason. Your heart is still beating because it's not your time to go yet. It's still pounding against your chest because you still have a purpose to live. For your future family, your current family, for your friends and for everyone who feels the same. No matter what achievement you got today, even if it's as simple as getting out of bed. I am so proud of you and I mean that sincerely. I'm going to wrap this up now, but I love you, NCT as a whole loves you, SM Entertainment loves you and we are all happy you are here fighting to make life the best you can.
You're amazing."

The camera shut off and Chaehyun fell back against the couch, just hoping that he made a difference in at least somebodies life.

You're amazing, don't ever forget that.

Okay, I'm a little nervous to post this because I'm not sure of the response, but I was feeling extremely low today and I just wanted to write this for those who are maybe feeling the same. I AM SO SCARED TO PUBLISH THIS FUCK!

I really hope you liked this, I'm sorry it's not a usual chapter but yeah...I hope you liked it. I'm so nervous OMG.

Thank you so much for your support! It means the world!!

This was not proofread//there will be mistakes.

You are appreciated and remember, you are amazing 💓💓😘

Thank you.

Blue xx

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