◎ Gran's Soup ◎

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TXT's Debut has really made me want to write a member book or just a book in general and I have no idea 😂😂 they are really good tho 💓

"I have the sniffles." Chaehyun's grandmother smiled gently as her grandson looked up at her, eyes full of sorrow and lips turned up into a sad pout, making him look like the four year old baby boy she remembered all those years ago.

Chaehyun had woken up with the flu and sickness and Chaehyun combined meant a very baby like boy. The rest of boys – minus Haechan – had left for their tour and none of them felt comfortable leaving him alone, so he was staying with his grandmother until they either returned or if he was well enough to go join them.

This one particular morning, Chae had woken up feeling dreadful and he was a little relieved that it was in the company of his grandmother, who he knew would take exceptional care of him. With his eyes droopy and fleece blanket wrapped around his shoulders, Chaehyun shuffled into the living room with a pout, eyeing his grandfather who raised an eyebrow.

"You wouldn't believe you're older than five sometimes," the elder man rolled his eyes, chuckling as his grandson laid down and rested his head in his lap, looking up at him with big brown eyes. "I'm so happy to have you in my life Chaehyun. You're my first and oldest grandchild and you mean a lot to me."

If Chaehyun wasn't sick, he probably would've teased the older man. "I'm happy I have such a cool granddad to be taking care of me. But I'm still better at Mario Cart old man."

His grandfather held his heart and fell back dramatically as if the words had shot him straight in the heart. The two boys shared quiet giggles causing the older lady in the kitchen to smile to herself as she stirred the soup, made especially for her sick grandson.

From the day Chaehyun was born, he had a close bond with his grandfather. They were from two different generations but so alike in many ways and that created so a tight bond, almost a friendship. Chaehyun had looked up to his grandparents for as long as he could remember, they were his inspiration and the reason he kept going with his career.

"Special soup for our sick baby," Chaehyun groaned at the name but smiled when his grandmother handed him the soup after he had sat up.

"Stop groaning, you'll always be our baby," said his grandfather with a flick to the younger boy's head.

Chaehyun smiled in reply before turning back to his steaming hot soup, lifting the spoon up to his lips, the hot substance slid down his tongue, the flavour danced across his tastebuds leaving him a pleasant after taste as it slid down into his stomach. He went for another spoonful.

"You've always been a good cook, Gran." Chaehyun's accent now clear as he spoke the words in English leaving his grandmother to smile and head off into the kitchen.

Once she was gone, Chaehyun felt his grandfather lean close to him. "Is it really that good?"

Chaehyun smirked. "Better than what you could've ever made."

And with that, he turned back to the tv with a smile playing on his lips. Oh how he loved his grandparents.

This seemed rushed and it probably was but I had this idea and then completely just forgot how to write 😂 anyway, I hope you liked it.

This was not proofread//there will be mistakes.

Thank you for reading, I am so thankful for your support.

You are appreciated 💓

- Blue x

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