Opening up; not an update.

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I'm currently having an anxiety attack and I need to like open up and this book is my outlet so im just gonna get my feelings out and stuff and kinda open up to you guys that are interested. I wouldn't normally do this, but I have hit a new low. 

So, I have suffered from anxiety since I was quite little but I was only diagnosed with it when i was 15. It has impacted my life massively, I have lost all of my friends, I can't leave the house alone I have to have somebody with me which is why I barely ever even leave my house and that's not exaggerating, I haven't left my house in an entire month/two months. And it's really hard because I have literally one internet best friend, she's my rock and my absolute hero I have no idea where I would be without her. Shout out real_emutional  I also have my lovely readers, there are some I am closer to than others but I appreciate every single one of you. 

Anyway, this past weekend has been the absolute worst. A situation happened with my boyfriend and I am deeply hurt by it because it does have something to do with my old friends. I haven't eaten in days, I haven't slept that much and right now I am having the worst panic attack I have ever had. I feel alone, I feel insecure and i just feel low. Like, my works haven't been good either due to how stressed I've been and yeah, life is just shit for me at the minute. The worst thing is, his phone has been taken away and I can't even talk to him about the situation until Friday or even possibly next week. 

I genuinely hope nobody thinks I'm doing this for attention, im not. Im doing this to release some things that have been on my chest and just I need to release. 

Anyway, Im hoping to update tonight? I can't promise. 

Also, a big thank you for 100 followers 💚

Thank you for listening? Reading? if you did. 

You're appreciated, honestly, you are. I appreciate every one of you. You help me more than you know 💚

- Amy x  

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