❀ Hanra Reacts; Lachlan moments... ❀

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"Hi there." Hanra gave a weird grin before dropping her hands to her side and sighing, "listen, I have been away from this place for a while BECAUSE I WAS DROWNING IN TOXIC COMMENTS." She then leaned back and grinned, "but the most important thing is... I'm back, I'm here now and everything is fine. Anyway, you have loaded my comment section with this one request and I am scared you will all DIE if i don't do it, so like...this is me reacting to, 'Lachlan moments I think about a lot.' Lachlan is my brother if you didn't already know and i have a feeling that some of you dirty ass FREAKS will have added in some questionable fan cams of my big brother biting his lip or showing a peak of skin. Anyway, let's go."

The video began with a Wii music and a blue background popping up on the screen with the words typed in white, 'Lachlan moments I think about a lot.' A loud beep sounded causing Hanra to jump slightly, holding her hand to her chest she stared at the camera wide-eyed, almost traumatised. She shook her head with a tut before turning back to her computer, a look of disinterest covering her features. She rested her chin in the palm of her hands, the hood to the black hoodie she stole from Daeyoon covering her upper body, coming down to about mid-thigh.

The first moment flashed across the screen: 'When Lachlan and Jungwoo kissed.' Seeing the title, Hanra snorted. She had seen that live and will never forget the complete look of horror on her brother's face. She hadn't let him live it down to that day. As the scene played out before her, her eyes lingered on a certain someone in the group and it wasn't her brother. Suddenly, she remembered that she was on camera and quickly lifted her gaze up, attempting to stop herself from blushing. The words *We look a panicked gay* flashed up next to a panicking Chaehyun and a blushing Jungwoo.

"Aww, Jungwoo is adorable we all have to agree on that. Also, my brother is the most dramatic person, you all think he's this cool, laid back guy? Nope. WRONG HOE. " Hanra shook her head with a grin, pulling down the sleeve of the hoodie and tugged the end of the sleeve up to half way up her palm and shifted position so she was now sitting cross-legged on her bed. She glanced at the camera before shifting her gaze back to the laptop as the next title popped up: 'I seriously don't understand why you guys call me a psychopath.'

The boys were seated in the practise room, the Vlive set on them. Chaehyun had crashed the Dreamies Vlive with Jeno now sprawled across his lap, the boys had decided it would be funny to irritate their Hyung by calling them a psychopath. "I seriously don't get why you guys call me a psychopath," Chaehyun struggled to get out whilst trying to catch Jaemin's hands from poking him. "Jaemin, you're cute but if you touch me one more time I will stab you."

Hanra rolled her eyes. "Fun fact, Chaehyun is actually afraid of bugs so he wouldn't do shit. He loves the boys--" Hanra cut herself off abruptly, glancing around nervously. The goosebumps on her arms began to rise, the familiar sense of eyes on her caused shivers to run down her spine and her skin crawled. She let out a breath, "I think I'm going to end that there guys because I have places to be. I hope you enjoyed this video, like, subscribe and share with your friends. Bye!"

She tried to sound enthusiastic, but her voice was shaky and anyone could notice it. She covered the camera with her hand and turned it off, she removed the SD card ready for editing and headed towards her window. The shadow disappeared in an instant and she didn't waste any time closing the grey curtains. Closing her eyes, she sat on her bed.

They'll be caught soon.


I wrote this a few days ago, I'm currently in the process of figuring out where I want this story to go whilst also writing other things behind the scenes, I really love writing it's become an outlet for me, I have been writing for years on Tumblr and I just want to thank you for your support. I appreciate every read and every comment. 

Remember to smile because that's what looks best on you 😊 And I am always here to talk if you need a friend. 

Thank you for reading. 


- Ya girl (ew I'll never say that again... i promise) 


❛ 𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐚𝐧. 𝗇𝖼𝗍 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now