◎ Always Here ◎

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— So sorry for the lack of updates. I've been writing a new book as well have been dealing with a chest infection plus I just haven't had any ideas. I'm super sick AGAIN.

Also, important question: We're on part 182 and the limit is 200 i think, so what should i do when this book ends? I don't want Lachlan's story to end but im struggling now with ideas so let me know what you think i should do.

"Well, I can't look at it if you keep flinching!"

If there's one person Park Jisung can't lie to, it's Chaehyun. Not by choice, the older boy can just read the Maknae like the back of his hand. So, when he caught Jisung attempting to hide his limp he knew straight away that something was wrong - even more so when Jisung decided to test his luck and lie.

Chaehyun saw through it right away and that's when the truth spilled out. Jisung had been chased on his way to the company and had ended up falling over and hurt his knee pretty badly, but worrying the others wasn't on his agenda, so he decided to keep it secret. They keyword being: tried.

"It hurts what do you expect me to do?" Jisung whined as Chaehyun pulled the sweats up his leg to reveal the gash that was covered in both fresh and dried blood. Jisung had a mini spasm at the sight, looking away as he went to heave whilst Chaehyun inspected the cut without any reaction at all.

"Okay it's just a simple graze, you must have scraped it when you fell. How about I clean it out, put a plaster on it and then we can go watch that movie you've been begging Chenle to watch for weeks?" The smile on Jisung's face was definitely a picture and he nodded excitedly.

For weeks, he had been trying to persuade his best friend to go watch Toy Story 4 with him, however, Chenle was either too tired or too busy which left Jisung feeling a little down but he did understand. Chaehyun left to retrieve the first aid kit which was beside Taeyong.

"Hey, I'm gonna be taking Jisung early is that okay?"

"Why?" Taeyong narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You're not taking him to get murdered are you?"

"No. That's scheduled for 8. I'm taking him to watch Toy Story. He scraped his knee and keeps limping so I thought maybe taking him to see a movie would be a great way to get his mind off of it," Chaehyun explained, whilst fiddling with the first aid kit. He pulled out the plasters and antiseptic wipes and laid them next to the box before closing it.

"Oh yeah. That's fine. Just don't be out too late and make sure he eats something. Renjun said he hasn't seen him eat a thing since lunch yesterday." 

Chaehyun nodded and was about to walk away before he stopped with an 'oh' and turned around. "You may wanna know that the reason he fell was because he was running away from a group of fans."

With that, the younger boy headed back to the Maknae who was excitedly telling Chenle about his plans. 

"Have fun," Chenle patted Jisung on the back and headed back over to the mirrors where he began dancing stupidly with Jeno. His loud laugh echoing around the room.

Chaehyun knelt before Jisung and pulled out the antiseptic wipes. He was careful as he cleaned out the cut and swiped away the blood. Jisung's jaw was clenched with every swipe but he managed to stay composed. He'd never seen Chaehyun look so concentrated.

Once the cut was completely clean, Chaehyun carefully placed the plaster which had tiny puppies all over it, over the wound and then sat back with a smile. His eyes scanned the masterpiece before he stood up and cleared the spot beside Jisung.

"Get your things and then we can leave." Jisung nodded excitedly and jumped up, hissing slightly as the pain shot up his leg. Chaehyun rolled his eyes and began to grab his own belongings. "Our departure time has come. I shall return at the dorm when Jisung has a full tummy and a smile on his face. Good riddance."

"Since when was Chaehyun formal?"

"It's Chaehyun." Was the only logical answer which Mark could come up with as he tapped Jungwoo on the shoulder and walked away.

Jisung's leg seemed to have completely healed as he skipped out of the cinema with half of Chaehyun's bank account in his hands. The boy had his hyung buying him all types of snacks...but to the fair Chaehyun did utter the words: 'I don't care about the price. Buy whatever snacks you want and no objecting.'

So really, the older boy brought this on himself, however, he didn't expect Jisung to buy nearly everything the cinema had to offer.

"You're worst than Haechan on his birthday. You guys take my words too seriously."

"Oh well. That sucks for you."

"Boy I just spent—"

"Thank you so much for today though, Hyung. I really appreciate you coming with me to watch Toy Story..."

Jisung's cheeks reddened from embarrassment and he quickly averted his eyes to the ground. Chaehyun let out a deep chuckle and ruffled the younger boy's hair before pulling him into a tight embrace.

"I was happy to be able to help. But you know you can come to me about anything don't you? You don't have to lie."

Jisung nodded. "I just feel like a burden."

"You would never be a burden. You could pull me aside to tell me about anything and I would never make you feel horrible for it. I'm here for you Jisung. I'm always here. Through thick and thin."

Jisung smiled softly. "Thank you, Hyung...really...I can always rely on you when I'm at my lowest. I appreciate you Hyung."

Chaehyun grinned. "That's what big brothers are for. To protect, listen and be there for you. And I will do all of those things whenever you need me to. Because I'm your big brother and I don't ever want to see you down."

Needles to say, Jisung returned to the dorm that night with a relieved smile on his face. He could always count on his big brother, Kim Chaehyun.

I know it's shitty and stuff but I'm super sick and wanted to get a chapter out as soon as possible for you guys. So I'm sorry about that.

I hope everything is well with you guys, thank you so much for reading. This wasn't proofread.

You are appreciated 💚

- Blue x

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