🐾 Misbehaving 🐾

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Chaehyun was a happy camper - why? Because SM had finally allowed Eleven to be involved. Surrounded by cameras, Mark and Jungwoo were seated on the floor ready to answer questions whilst Eleven ran circles around them. She was being very excitable, she loved going to work with her dad but she is a lot like Chaehyun in the sense of well...she doesn't behave. 

She ignores everyone's calls, she refuses to sit when asked and she consistently barks when she realises that it's annoying everyone in the room. She's basically the female dog version of Chaehyun. The cameras had been rolling for 3 minutes and Eleven was already being a pain. No matter what Chaehyun told her to do, she did the opposite. It got to the point where Chaehyun just gave up trying to please her. 

"Eleven Kim! Behave please." Chaehyun reached behind him and lifted the dog off the floor and placed her in his lap. She struggled in his grip and Chaehyun rolled his eyes. "Eleven-Hazlenut Kim. You better sit still and behave or else you're sleeping in your own bed tonight." 

Mark snorted. "Hazlenut?" 

"Yes. Her full name is Eleven-Hazlenut Kim. If you have a problem then please write a heartfelt letter about how it offends you, send it to www.lachlanstodelete and I will be with you in about 4-never business days." Eleven barked in response making Chaehyun close his eyes in frustration. After a few seconds, he reopened them and looked down to see her innocent eyes gazing into his. "Behave."

She let out a whine and laid down in his lap making him smile. He ran his hands through her fur and leaned down to kiss her head. Whilst all this was happening, Jungwoo took the chance to read out one of the questions. However, the second the first one escaped his lips Eleven let out a loud bark gaining the attention of everyone in the room. Poor Mark jumped ten feet in the air. Chaehyun let out a sigh and gave a painted, high pitched laugh and stare at the camera with a blank expression. 

Jungwoo stared at Eleven for a few seconds to make sure she was calm and when she stuffed her face into Chaehyun's side where his arm was pressed, he took that as the opportunity. 

"Chaehyun, how old is Eleven?" 

Chaehyun stared blankly for a moment before turning to look at his dog who was staring up at him almost giving him the accusing eyebrow raise. He kept his gaze on her for a few seconds before turning to Jungwoo with his lip in between his teeth. 

"She doesn't like when people talk about her age, she feels old." The boys raised their brows causing Chaehyun to sigh. Looks like he was about to have a grumpy dog on his hands. "She's.....two I think? One and a half? Her birthday is in September, she will be two...I think.  I have it written down somewhere, let me get back to you."

Eleven grumbled and stood up, Chaehyun watched with a frown as she climbed onto Mark's lap, facing away from him. Chaehyun glared at the boy beside him, who held his hands up in defence. Sighing, her owner leaned back on his hands and stared at the camera with a pout. 

"She's so dramatic. First, she misbehaves and now she's being all moody because I told you her age. Gosh, Eleven, real mature." 

"Oh, here we go, another lovers quarrel," Mark grumbled as his fingers threaded through her fur. Eleven stood up again and slowly walked towards Chaehyun, she stood in front of her owner before sitting down. Chaehyun held her gaze and attempting to fight off the smug smile. 

He held his arms open and cocked his head the side. Eleven wagged her tail and jumped up, she ran into his arms and jumped up. Chaehyun grabbed onto her paws to keep her steady before holding her body. She licked all over his face excitedly as a thank you for accepting her apology. Chaehyun had a wide grin as he threw his head back to miss her kisses, sparking laughter escaped his mouth and pure happiness soared through his eyes. It was almost a relief for the boys as well as the staff to see him smiling.

When Eleven was done, she sat herself down on his lap almost like she was guarding him and protecting him. Jungwoo decided to test the waters and leaned over Mark, he went to touch Chaehyun and as expected, Eleven jumped up and began barking as she ran around the area attempting to find something to distract Jungwoo with so he would stop touching her Chaehyun. The group giggled as she ran and jumped on Chaehyun, sending him backwards. 

She pinned him down and began licking all over his face and neck as if to get rid of any trace of Jungwoo. 

Chaehyun was hers and she doesn't care who she has to fight to prove that. Kim Chaehyun's heart belongs to Eleven Hazlenut Kim and Eleven Hazlenut Kim only. 


Eleven-Hazlenut Kim is one territorial dog. I wonder if Lucas will have to ask her for permission to get near Chaehyun...anyway, this was just a small chapter I wrote because I was bored. 

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway. 

You are appreciated 💚

- Blue x 

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