♥︎ Mutually confirmed ♥︎

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so. Before we begin with this chapter I would like to state a few things.
   I have been very hesitant on the topic of making Luchlan a real thing as I do not know Lucas personally and wouldn't want to assume anything and possibly offend anyone. However. This IS fiction and i do want to experiment. I would just like to put that out there.

Also. This chapter won't be the best as I am still sick. I didn't manage to reply to any comments yesterday as I literally fell straight asleep after writing it, so I appreciate all the kind words and well wishes.



Chaehyun didn't plan to spend his Saturday evening locked in a storage cupboard with his best friend. In fact, that was the last thing he had planned to do given the circumstances regarding his feelings and confusion.

Figures, Kun had been the one to lock them in one room together in hopes they'd talk through their emotions and get to the bottom of whatever it was hanging in the air between them. And with no music or instruments to distract them, they had to talk about something.

Chaehyun wasn't as pissed as Kun expected him to be. In fact, he seemed completely unbothered by it. If anything, he was happy to be in a room rather that socialising with other people. Kun should've figured that Chaehyun wasn't the most social person and I actually enjoyed spending time alone due to his hatred of conversation.

Lucas on the other hand, was itching to be released. It's not that he was locked in a room with Chaehyun, that didn't bother him, it was the fact that he was locked in a room and his food was sitting on the counter in a room full of hungry men.

"Can you at least bring my food up?" Lucas had given up and rested his head against the door. His fists were above his head and he looked beyond done, meanwhile, Chaehyun was laying flat on his back in a starfish position loving his life.

Lucas turned around to look at his best friend and sighed. "Can you stop being a mood for like 3 seconds and come help me open this door. My food is down there and Ten will eat it without hesitation."

"Dropping formalities now are we?"

"He isn't here to hear it." Lucas sighed once more and pushed himself off of the door and trudged towards the bed. He dropped himself down beside his best friend and let out a breath of air. "Why are we locked in here again?"

Chaehyun shrugged. "Think Kun wants me to tell you about the confusion with my feelings."

The way he had just come right out with it shocked both Lucas and Chaehyun himself. Sure, he liked to cut to the chase but never was he that straight forward before.

"About me...?"

"About you." Chaehyun nodded.

The words hung loosely in the air, but it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable and if Chaehyun wasn't too busy staring out of the window, he would've seen the small smile on Lucas' face.

"I think we need to discuss a few things." Lucas finally murmured after several seconds of him getting lost in his thoughts. Chaehyun nodded and lifted himself up, turning around and crossing his legs so he was directly facing Lucas. "About us."

Chaehyun grinned. "There is no us. Not in the sense you're talking about anyway."

"Not yet." Lucas winked.

The two stared at each other for several seconds before cracking up with laughter.  The reason it was so easy between them was because no matter what was said, whether one gets rejected or not, they would never let it get between them. Because they're best friends and that's what best friends do.

"Oh so there is going to be an us?" Chaehyun asked, amusement dripping from his tone as he quirked an eyebrow and a boyish grin spread across his face.

"Possibly. If Author Nim decides she wants it that way then yeah."

Chaehyun's lips downwards as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, she is pretty indecisive about us isn't she?"

"Yeah. She just needs to grow a pai—anyways, is this us confirming that there is something there between us?" Lucas asked cautiously.

Chaehyun glanced down at the bedding below before tilting his head back up and nodding. For the first time in a while, Lucas saw a soft genuine smile on his face. It wasn't excitement, it wasn't forced nor was it small. It was just...soft...happy.

"Yeah...yeah I think this is."

No more words needed to be spoken. Chaehyun shifted slightly and opened his arms, Lucas smiled and wrapped his arms around his best friend.

They didn't need to label it. They didn't even need to discuss it further. All they needed to know was that there was something mutual between them and whether that ends in just a friendship or something more, they'd always have each other.

And that's how it's supposed to be.

So, thanks boys for basically dissing me love ya lots but also LUCHLAN.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed. And this wasn't proofread.

You guys are amazing and greatly appreciated 💚

- Blue x

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