chapter - 3

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Kits p.o.v

Its been already 3 weeks as me and ming are being together . In these , there are the weeks either i went to his room or he came into my room. We were always a bit lovey-dovey to each other. But eventually i can't let out myself from my grumpyness too .

And these days , ming always made a step to further but i always stopped him . He just got a little disappointed and just shrugged it off like its nothing.

I quite don't understand sometimes, why... He is behaving like that ,and sometimes i eventually get a doubt about :is he really loving me or not :

But i just brushed it off my stupid thoughts.
Also pha got very strange behavior. he began to stick with me all the time and wanted to Tell me something but something or someone will get into middle like ... When i and pha are at the canteen waiting for the food. He'll start with something telling like "kit i want to talk to about something important" I'll reply to it as okay.. but when beam came with our drinks ,pha eventually stop everything what he wanna talk to me .

Or sometime our lecture will be there in between our conversation,or some of our friends or ming or wayo...
We postponed that matter everytime and also he began to lessen his conversation with yo too . I don't know what happen between them.

Did yo rejected pha's proposal,or is he upset that he never got a chance , or something else . I wanted to ask but at the same time ,he wanted to tell me something and.... Again it got postponed by something in middle like always..

After 1 week

In this week ming got very busy through his campus moon responsibilities and his classes too. We didn't met actually that regular... And today is the day of our "one month anniversary" and i wanted to give a surprise to him. I planned everything on my own, went to the mall and got some dim lights and scented candles , and some flowers from the bouquet shop . I also ordered a cake.

Finally now am infront of a medicinal store. Now am bitting my bottom lip to take a step forward.
I made myself calm and went into the store and picked up condoms ,lube and also some.... Painkillers because am sure I'll get to need some

And yes, i decided to give myself to ming tonight, with that i payed for everything and got into my room . Arranged everything and made my myself clean and steady.

After sometime i made a call to ming and he picked it up after 3 rings
"Hello.." - ming

" Ming where are you...." - kit

"I just off from my duty p... Why what happen, is there any problem" - ming

"No ... But can you please come to my room as soon as possible. " - kit

"Okay... I'll be there with in few minutes" - ming

We ended the call and got my lighter to light the scented candles which gave a nice aroma over the room , and waiting for ming to come .

When i observe that my door is began to swing to open . I switched off the lights and placed the cake on my hands with a small candles. Ming got surprised but didn't tell anything and observed everything in my room .

With that i started taking by saying it with a huge smile... "Happy 1 month anniversary ming...".


Thankyou guys for your votes and comments. am so happy for seeing some responses and also your encouragement for me to cope up with my story.

I'll continue this story for sure and please keep voting and commenting...untill we meet on our next chapter.

I really love you guys..♥

Love nd peace✌

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