Chapter - 29

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Phana p.o.v.

We've been here for like 4 days..... Didn't get to know that, days are getting passed too fast... I've told everything to forth . And he said that he'll help me for sure. And also said that he kept an eye on ming too.

While Everyday morning, kit will get nausea and he'll throw up immediately... It made me a bit worried, when i asked my dad..... He said that....
" It's very common for pregnant one's.... Called morning sickness... It will be like 4- 5 months... Or it will be for short span like... Just 3 months..."

But not just the mornings..., Even sometimes in evening or middle of the night.

It's already a weekend....and Kit's mom and dad are going to be here in any minute.

Currently now am preparing a sandwich for kit... He asked me a while ago, that he want's to have something that have cheese...
Like grilled cheese sandwich.

When I've return to my room with the dish and some milk, i can see that kit is trying to concentrate on his copy, which beam gave it to him.

"Hmm...kit... Do you need anything more.."
I asked him while placing the dish and milk.

" Thanks..." Kit said in a small voice.

Now a days it became very hard to make kit to talk, because he doesn't do more conversations like before. If we ask him questions, he will just answer it by nodding or a 2 - 3 word answer... Just like now...

When i see him eating and at the same time studying...... I kinda missing my grumpy kitten..... He always nagg's about studying, when we study together.

At that time i listened a bike sound and..... Yes i know who is that.... It's none another than beam and my brother in law...

It's so funny, when he made himself a brother-in-law to me... And probably husband to beam..

It's seems like i don't need to move from my room, because they already barged in.

"How are you doing kitty...."
Beam asked kit but...... He just nodded and smiled a bit.

At that time, forth gave me a look..... I know what that look means, cause uncle karl and aunt Katherine are going to be here...we need to make sure that our official engagement can get delay a bit longer.... So i just nodded to forth, that am ready for everything....
Yes am ready.... Not just for this engagement, for the things too, which are going to appear when we return to campus... And also to face ming and...... Yo'.

Evening came and everyone are well seated in each couple couch. Along with forth , beam and.........
Uncle dravid.... Which is forth's father. I don't know why he is here.... But one thing i know that.... He is also a board member of my father's hospital.

"So.... Kid's how are you all doing...?"
Uncle karl broke the silence.

"Good uncle.."
I told and kit just nodded with a smile.... But when i caught a look at Kit's mother, i can see a glimpse of sadness but why....

My thoughts got cutted down by uncle karl.

"Ok.... Let's just talk about the engagement now...... Me and nix already decided to have an official engagement after a month.... But dravid said that you guys are going to get prepare for your exams at that time... And you'll be busy ...., So we made a final decision.... That the official engagement will be conducted when your final exams get completed... Which is after 3 months...."

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