chapter - 7

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Wayo's p.o.v.

After the m&s competition, whatever i do to get attention of p'pha..... He never looked or noticed me. Before the competition it was good. Meeting up with him, chatting over the phone . Sharing and having breakfast. He also gave me company while i was practicing for my ideal performance.

But when i performed for him , i seen sad smile over his face.😑 He never looked at me over the competition. May be he really didn't have any feelings for me. 😐

Its been already a month, that i did my indirect confession. May be it never reached to his heart.😢

I was really got shocked,😶when ming said those words to me , probably reminded me,what i said on that sober state ,after the  of competition...


After the competition...

I never saw p'pha over anywhere. I went to my dorm with the help of fairy angels and this stupid ming also nowhere to see.

After a few hours there is a knock over my door. i quickly went to door 😃, imagining may be its p'pha. But to my unlucky😑 its not p'pha. Its ming with a smug smile mixed with a smirk.

"What's with mooon...,got too many numbers of girls" i said in a sarcastic tone😑.

He entered into my room without saying anything and sat on my bed. Looking over to my confused face with a frown - add it -😒

"What.." he questioned me....

"Seriously...i need to ask that..... What's with that look"😒

" actually here to inform you that , make preparations to get me that girl...moowan"

*What* 😶

"What are you talkin' about" i said with same confused state.😮

"What.....did u really forget about our bet, no..... No.... No.... U can't back out now. And am really this close to win my bet" ming said pacing his fingers into small space.

"I don't I......" I said with a confusion mind but with in a click, everything i said over when iam drunk.... Came infront of my eyes. Making my eyes wider and also😲 shocked.

I cursed my self under my breath, while running my fingers into my hair.

*No.... i can't do a stupid bet like that*.  I thought but eventually got out from my thoughts,when snapped his fingers infront of my face.😖

"Remember everything..." Ming said when i gain my self a invisible slap

"Ming..... Please don't do anything stupid...." I said but his reply is really giving me bad feeling and iam scared about what is going to be happen

" What .... Am just working on my bet...., Thats it .     Oh and get ready over your preparations, am going to have nice sleep before winning ...... Again"

Just like that he went out of my room. I didn't get to reply to him .

Here am standing dumbfounded😶 and i don't know, how to stop this things but there is a doubt how can he can make that .

P'kit is like an angry kitten , no one can tame him..

Then i remember p'beam word saying that p'kit may be get to like ming, but he is not going to confess that soon.....

May be......that was the reason....i immediately make a line (message) to ming...

Yo : what have u done to p'kit, did he proposed you or you proposed him.

Ming : nah....we just shared our likes and i kissed him...he accepted my kiss. Then i knew that i can easily come over to the bet.

Yo : that means p'kit loves you and ..... you          too...

Ming : what.... No....

Ming : he just said..., He like me and shared a kiss with me.

Ming : there is a no... Word .... Of ..... LOVE between us.

Yo : ming i think.....

Ming : now stop with this nonsense and go to sleep . I'll meet you at breakfast tomorrow morning.

"STUPID MOUTH...... CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT UP.... Whenever you're drunk..... URGHhhh..... ".    😖😷     

"now what problem is going to be head on me...!!!"

I mumbled while sitting on my bed while massaging my temples

"I just hope ming don't do anything, i hope he pass this one and forget about that bet..."

With that i lay on my bed, having a heavy thing over my chest.

<<<<Flash ends>>>>


Hello guys  ,

Sorry for the late update , i just got some health issues. But now am perfectly alright...

Am really so thankful to you guys for supporting me...

Keep voting and commenting...

Enjoy the chapter until next...

Love♥ and peace✌

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