Chapter - 28

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Hello guys.... I foregot to add some lines in previous chapter....... Sooo here we go.....


After some relaxing.... Under the moon light..
Forth will say something out of blue...
"Sometimes i wish... Y did you never have feelings for kit....... If both of you were a couple, then it could have been nice right..."

"But god made another one dear to our life..... May be he thinks that we are not perfect for each other... And we can only have access to friendship.... Which we never dare to leave them..."
Phana says while watching the moonlight

"Ok ok...just forget about the past now.... We need to prepare for present and a future....right now...
So.... Go and sleep, I'll take charge on my beam....."
Forth says with a mischievous smile...

Phana just shakes his head while getting up and says..
"Shit....Just don't make too much noise.... Or just spare him for tonight..."

"Fine..... fine.... We will plan our thing from tomorrow.... Okay..."
Forth says while walking to the bedroom door....

"No.... Not just tomorrow , after the weekend... When you guys are at your"

"Urghh....fine...fine...... Annoying..."
Forth mumbled while going near to beam...but phana just laughed it off.


Soo....this is before when they went to sleep in their respective rooms ........

That is just the part which i forgot to type in chap - 27

Now we will start our chapter - 28

Happy reading na .....



Somewhere in the campus , under a tree, 2 persons are seated on the bench. .... Doing their assignment.

For the time being... Yo' got tired and stopped doing his work... And streach his limbs... For a bit of comfort and get loosen his body from tiredness.

he will take a look at ming and frown a little bit.... Because ming is not doing his work and just staring at nothing.

He try to distract ming a bit but he won't budge. So he raised his voice a little bit... Calling him..


Ming come out from his staring at nothing contest and looked at yo'.
"Uhh... What...? "

"You are acting strange right now....!!!"

"Me....!!!!" He point out at himself saying...
"I don't think so..... How come you say like that...."

"Because you are being .......utterly silent.... These past few days, and also you being... Staring at thinking something deeply... Or should i say.... Zoning out..."

Ming sigh and placed his head on the table , while growling...
"I really don't no what you're talking about..... Yo'. ..."

"Just cut the shit ming... And tell me, what are you actually thinking about.."

Ming will go silent for few minutes and said...
"Do you think....... P'kit will talk to me...?"

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