Chapter -43

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The happy evening became more tense right now....but that tense was just between the boys only.., not between the parents...


Kit got flustered and shocked at the same time...

"What..." kit whispered..not knowing anything

" you recognize us haa..."
P'mek which was ming's older brother said a bit sarcastically...

Ming hold kit's hand in his very tightly...and said...
"Wait a minute....what are you guys  even doing over here....and how do you know that am here...?"

Ming's dad smiled and said...
"Son....we are guests over here and you are a non care to tell me about this little concert..."

"And about the lovely boy too...."
Ming's mother ended her husband's words...

Ming looked at everyone and took a deep breath and said...
"Mom my boyfriend kit...and he is also pregnant with my baby..."

And finally turned to kit...who is still gaping...
"P' my mom ,dad and my eldest brother...p'mek..."
Saying that he slowly but smiled awkwardly , while closed gaping mouth of kit ....

Ming''s dad kept his hands in his pockets and said in stern and a serious voice....
"We know all about that but still you didn't even tell us that you impregnated someone until he stepped into his 7 months or should i say if we didn't attend to this evening dinner may  be , you would keep this as a secret forever...",

"No dad that's not ..,actually i want him to meet you guys once i settle everything which i made..."
Ming said in a low tone while looking down...

" how you made a bet with...yo'"
P'mek said which made ming to stiff again...

"And how did you dump him very harshly...."
Now his mom retrot it...on him...

" you brushed his love just like that..."
Now it's turn of katherine...

"Or how you...made him literally a patient..."
Said karl...stepping forward...

"Or how you made pha to get engage with...kit..."
Said forth's dad ...

"Or how you get him hospitalized again just because of your stupid jealousy ..."
Its now Phoenix turn...

"Or how you made some bitch to come between you and hurt kit..."
Its now the turn of beam',s mom....

Forth's mom turned towards forth and pha ....
"Or how you guys made a fake engagement..."

"Or can i just say how forth has helped yo' to bring some sense to this kid..."
Beam's father said...with a mischievous smile...
Every parent words left gaping *how....*

" did you guys know everything..."
Phana voiced out after coming out of trance...

" are forgetting that...we are your parents .."

Dravid said with a calming voice...

"Did yo' told everything to you guys...."
Forth voiced out with the doubting look..

P'mek clicked his tongue and smirked while saying...
"Yo'...that kid...maybe he actually made a strong oath to my stupid brother... that not to spill any secrets....of my brother no..."

Ming cutted the beam's voice and said with the serious look
"Then you guys also know...this...that someone kidnapped my kit...Who is that person , who tried to hurt my kit..."

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