chapter - 16 (a)

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                 Kit completed his assignment by next morning , and took a walk towards the stall because he is really having...a craving to havevthe steak with pickles and a bucket of icecream.

C'use.... He thinks that alone making him cravings for food. As he got the steak from the food stall and pickles & icecream from the store, he began to walk back to the dorm.

In the middle of getting to dorm he saw a silhouette standing over the car, that matches to ming perfectly, he thought that was ming just because he is seeing only his back , but when a girl came and hugged that man.  

He thought that may be it's not ming, ming can't do anything like that though.... But he actually thought that he saw that girl some he turn away from there.😥


But actually that was ming who is waiting for the girl named moowan.. because she said that she is little bit he wants some company and mings accept that .

When he is waiting for her he didn't saw kit at his back when he knew that some one was glancing😐😐....he just about to turn around but at the same time moowan came anf hugged ming. So ming just shrugged it.


Kit don't want to get his mind into the drain , so he loosened his thoughts over the view and walked back to the dorm.

At the same time he saw someone standing over the door waiting for him..kit thought he could be ming...but when he got near to that guy ,he get to know that its not ming...

"Kit...." That guy started the conversation.

"What do u want pha..." Kit wore his stern😒 expression towards pha and went to open the door, as he entered and closing the door, someone one stopped it by not closing.

"Pha ......what. ....."😡😠 Kit talked while gritting his teeth, because he didn't forget that pha beat the shit out of ming by back stabbing and also refused to talking to kit.that is why he can't forgive him now. ...

"Kit sorry, but i really need to talk to you about something..." Pha said by holding the door.

"Fine....tell it now ...,i don't have any time..." Kit answered very annoying-ly .😒😒😒

"Can we talk this inside the room..please..."😫 Pha said but kit ... Kit beign kit... Standing infront of pha...


"Please...." pha pleased him more..

"Fine ......" Kit opened the door wide to welcome pha......  😒


Hello guys..... Sorry for splitting it but i really need to....

Hope u enjoyed...

Keep voting and commenting and love me too... 

Until next continuation....

Love ♥ and peace✌


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