Chapter - 26

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When pha and kit got to the kongthanin's house, kit is been resting in pha's room, Kit's parents already off to the flight to newyork. Pha's dad is still at hospital making rounds.

Beam and forth also stayed with kit in kongthanin's house. When it's time to their dinner , everyone has seated to have their meals. But kit seems to not enjoying his meals, when beam saw that he asked..

"Kit.... Why are you not eating know , you need to take care of your self.... You're still recovering...have some...."

Kit just smiled to ease their friends...and forcefully eating his that time door bell rangs... Pha excused him self...

When he returned to table... He has something in his hands... Beam saw that and frowned...

"Pha what's that...."

"I'll tell you...."

He removed the container from one cover ,and a bucket of ice cream from another ,and.... Another glass jar from another cover.... When kit saw the container and smelled it , his face got lit up a little bit...

Pha opened it and gave to the removed the previous dine plate infront of him.....

"Now... Don't force yourself like that...okay..., Just tell me if you want to have anything....."

Kit nodded and happily began to start his meal with plain rice and steak...
"Wow...pha.... How come you get know... That... He needs that right now..."

" I actually saw... Him eat that in his room... Before recently..... So i thought it could be that he wants...... So i ordered them for kit..."

"Wow...pha....i didn't get it till now... How come you both got together.... But now i can see it.... Am really very happy for you both...."

Beam sentence got cut down when he saw kit, dip the pickle in ice cream bucket and eating it with a smiley face...

" got really weird tastes right now...."

Kit smiled dropped at instant...but forth covered it by teasing beam.......

"You know kit ..... If beam got pregnant by any chance.... I think he'll be having more weirder taste.....eww...."

Everyone in the table laughed at the words and began to tease each other more....

"I won't get pregnant....may be you'll get... What do you think forth can we try it..."

Forth choked on his food , and looked at beam in horror....

"Guys drop it now.... And finish your meals..."

Pha said and everyone enjoyed their meals...after the dine, they went to pha's room and chit chatted a bit..,  Kit  slept in pha's room...

When they saw Kit's sleeping figure , they got outside silently. Pha showed another room for forth and beam to stay...

When he is returning to his room he saw his father entering into his room. So he went to his dad's room and thought before knocking on the door...
*I really need some strong support dad...i hope you*

He knocked softly on the door , when his dad said to come in ..., He entered into the room...but didn't said a word... So his dad started the conversation...

"I know there is something bothering what happened, what is the actual reason behind this relationship.... Cause i know son, you love another person not kit... So...."

Pha knew it that his dad knows everything... So he doesn't want to keep any secret... But he is just afraid not supporting or to hate kit...or his love...

"Dad.... It is actually..."

" It's okay son....take your time...but did kit slept..."

"Yeah...uhh... Dad... The baby growing inside kit..., It is not mine...., "

"I know son...."

Phoenix said in calm tone...but pha got a little panick. He kneel down infront his dad and said...
"Dad...please don't hate kit or me...or anyone please....

His father got a bit shock seeing his son being kneel infront of him...he went near to his son and lifted him... said
"Son... I don't hate any of you , kit is also my son... I love both of you equally... "

He said and hugged his son...

"So what is the actual thing... Which made Kit like that...."

"It is someone from our campus but different faculty, he is also friend of my love...."

"Its... Ok son continue...."

"He made a bet with his friend, which is with none other than wayo....

I really didn't know that why did they need to bet on kit...which leaded to this...

But i think it is all started because of me..."

"What do you mean...son..."

"I donno dad....why and what...i need some answers from that person too...but.... When ever i wanna talk to him... It just reminds me the part of their bet...
Am really stupid dad..., If i just confronted at that time may be...kit won't get to suffer now..."

"Don't leave anything just let it all out son..."

Pha said everything about ,when he get to hear about the bet..., The step of ming, the conflict at the cafeteria... Everything...but just he didn't said the name... Of that engineering student.

"Then why didn't you oppose, when karl said about engagement..."

"Dad... I know what you wanna talk..., I know that uncle will be on rage...when he gets to know about, someone played with his son's heart... And it will affect to kit too... I don't want any more conflict or fighting...

But before everyone know the actual truth... I need that person to realise his mistake...and also to teach him some lesson..."

"But ...son... What about this engagement... I don't want karl to mis understand everything after, they get to know the truth.."

"Please dad.... You can only do something, i can arrange a promising rings...right now... To be held the thing that we already engaged, but before the official engagement... I'll try to sort out everything... Trust me... Dad..."

"*Sigh* okay alright... Good luck with that son... If you need any help, don't forget, that am over here.... And especially don't forget about kit... He needs more attention and rest  right now..."

With that he hugged his son....and patted his back.

Pha also smiled a bit , and returned his hug...

" Oh... Who is that engineering student by the way..."

"It's ming... His name is ming..."

Pha's father just hummed, seeming to think that he actually listened that name some where......

But unknown to them..some one has actually listened each and everything.. and every word of the conversation between them.


Hello guys.... Sorry for late update na...

But please enjoy your reading.....

Until the next chapter

Love ♥ and peace.. ✌


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