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Wayo's p.o.v.

Another month has passed now and i can't get to have any  good feeling. I can't sleep.😢

I just closed my eyes and i dunno when did i drifted into sleep but woke up to a ringtone which is continuously ringing over my bed stand.

I thought its an alarm to wake me up but no its not ,. Its thatttttt alarm that woke me upto face the horror and that horror😈😠 is non other than ming...yes

I glanced at the clock and its shows 3 in the morning *wtf he wants now...*😠

I irritated by that, picking up my phone , without listening his response i started my talk

"What the hell do u want ming....and at this hour...."😡

"Come to p'kit s room"

*What the hellish hell*😵

"Don't say me that you...."😧

"I won my friend......"

*No i don't believe him....its a nightmare😱....yes it is ... * I thought but next words are hitting my brain.

"If u come over here, you can have proof.."

I gasped 😶"hello.... Hello.... HELLO... IDIOT MING..."

But there is no... Response.

I immediately get off my bed went to p'kits room which is actually on top floor of my dorm .

The time i reached over to p'kits room.the door suddenly got open and there...... That idiot with shirtless standing over the door .

"Ming..." But he sushhed me and went inside to take his shirt.

When i went inside its so.. beautiful arranged with the lights and the welcoming smell of scented candles , i closed my eyes😊WOW.....

When i opened my eyes , i saw a cake over the table, but its not cutted. When i had glanced to it in a close-up... There it is written as 'happy anniversary'. 😶

I began to space out and walked reluctantly over the bedside. My breath got hitched,😶 when i saw p'kit over the bed naked...

But the duvet has covered most of his body. He is so peaceful while sleeping.

But here am geeting a panic attack, while seeing over the condition of p'kit infront of my eyes.

Ming came over to me , dragged out of the room, & went to our room, i mean my room...but suddenly i felt there was some one behind us watching. I just brushed it off.

Without any of my realization, i was in my room and there is something wet on my cheeks😢

Ming came over and wiped the wet thing over my cheeks (then i realize that i was crying silently😢).   And he cupped my face..

"Yo...what happen.... Why are you crying...!?"

"Idiot....😨" I slapped him over the shoulder, because i cant reach over his face.

"I told you to drop off that bet...😠" I literally said it out loud.

"What... U never told that to me...😕."he raised his voice a bit in stern.

" I said never do... Anything wrong that get u into the problem" i said

" Yo.... Brush it off . Nothing's gonna happen😠" he said it in stern voice.

After a long pregnant time....

"Ming.....iam scared..😱." I whispered over but he hugged me and said

"Nothing's gonna happen.... Don't worry . I'll take care of everything"

"What about that cake and those anniversary words.." i asked him in a husky voice.

"I donno..... may to celebrate our intimacy though, yo....dont worry everything is going to be alright"

" No ......u IDIOT, 😬u don't know anything... Nothing is going to be alright"

"Yo...i said u... I". But i cutted off his words by saying...

" STUPID ..... IDIOT... Fuck....😬😬😬😬 P'kit loves you... Now... Ur hurting"

I got panicked again. Ming got silent. I don't know how he can handle this, how i can... But there is a little pain in my chest and also a guilt

*God... Please make everything alright..*

It's all because of me... Why i need to spill those damn words .

What if p'pha know about it ..... Oh my god....

What am i going to do if P'kit knew that it's all started just because of me . I don't want him to hate me too .

With a heavy heart i JUST sat over the bed side ,thinking deeply.... Ming.... Hugged me from side and i rested my head on his shoulder.😢😢😦


Hehe double update....

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Until then , next chapter....

Love♥ and peace ✌

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