Chapter - 39

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Wayo's p.o.v

After the commotion at the hospital... I saw ming in his car... Letting his tears to fall down easily.... I know it's getting very hard for him right now.... But as the elders say... Everyone will get their pay back as equally as their opponents suffered...

I look back at the hospital entrance.... Seeking to see some one... But.... It seems like I already got my payback....

I sighed and went near to Ming's car... But a voice stopped me...
"yo'..... "

I turned around to the voice and smiled a bit...
" yes p'forth... "

He as usual came near to me with his straight face having his hands inside in his pocket.... Sometimes I wondered how... P'beam can see those emotions which we can't... See on p'forth face... They are really something....

" are you doing fine..?.. "

" yes p'.... Don't worry... Am absolutely okay... "

P'forth nodded and looked at ming... Who leaning his head on steering wheel..
" take care of ming.... And make sure that he won't do any kind of stupid mistakes.. Right now.... "

I smiled a bit seeing him concerning about his junior... Seems like engineer lads are really something...
" I will p'... "

I said and turned to walk but p'forth again stopped me...

" yes p'... "

He didn't talked for few seconds but when he talked...
" yo'... Just don't loose your hope too... "

He said and went inside straightly.... Leaving me in motion of thoughts...

***What does that could be mean... ***

Ming is been too silent while driving to the dorm... And I didn't said anything for the time being.... But after Coming to his dorm room... Ming went straight to his bed and leaned on to the headboard...

Seeing my friend in his deep thoughts... I'll get to know that....or I say.... Get to confirm that ming truly loves p'kit... If he truly pursuing p'kit... No one can stop them from getting together....

And.... About p'kit.... I know he is a bit angry on ming now... For whatever he did... Still.... I can see that he didn't stopped loving ming...

The baby.... What can I say... It is surely a miracle right now...

And... P'phA.....
I just smiled while thinking...  How he takes care of p'kit and the baby... This making me missing him too much...  But what can I do... Now... Karma gets back for what ever I did... It seems....

I sighed and took my mobile while going into the balcony.... Away from ming... And dialled a number...

After a few ring... I smiled a bit... When other side person picked it up with a cheerful tone...

"hey dad..... I have a favour to ask you... "



Ming has become busy with pursuing kit.... And at the same time annoying phana too...

Whether it is at canteen....

" hello p'kit how are you doing... Did you took your medication... Oh... Right first you need to have lunch Na... I will  get it... "

Ming said and stood to leave but pha stopped him saying...
" you don't need to do that... I've prepared everything here... "

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