chapter - 15

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Ming's p.o.v

Next day Early morning when i woke up p'kit is not there but there is a note saying takecare and also he prepared me a breakfast too...., Now am thinking how to avoid this situation, he is taking care of me and i don't no what to do. I need to stop this first ...........only by avoiding him.😑

When the time comes , I'll just inform that i can't meet him at all and i know that he will understand everything. 😐

After getting ready i reached to my faculty building but before there is someone who's waiting for me.

"Hi ming..... How are u feeling now...??" And...thats moowan.

"Better than ....ever..." I😃 smiled while talking to her but she suddenly mad a sad face.😕

"What happen..... Is there anything wrong..."
I asked her.

"Actually...... Yesterday i was at your dorm, because i can't stay calm after seeing you at the infirmary,.  But when i came to ur room there was someone and....he didn't even let me in, i just wanted to check up on u that's it...."😒😩

Moowan told me, i think she is definitely reffering to p'kit....

"Who is he...?" She again questioned me

"He is my senior from medic faculty...and i was so tired yesterday..... That's why i slept all day and didn't see u the way did u had ur breakfast..."😃😃

I said to her wanting to change the topic and yes it works. She happily said yes , then after that .... I dropped her at her faculty, and went to mine.


As ming is busy with his studies, duties and also avoiding someone. As per moowan, when ever she got the chance...... She always sticks to ming.

Wayo git annoyed everytime,😠😠😠😤😡 when moowan.... Came to join in the middle between him and wayo. Whether it is over cafeteria during lunch or shopping for school uses.

On the other side, there are the rumors started to spread like a current wave. Saying that 'moowan the campus star and ming the campus moon are dating.'

Kit is not aware of this rumors , because he doesn't even know about it, cause the medical faculty is always busy over the studies and labs.

While in medic faculty pha was avoiding talking to kit because he doesn't know how to tell him everything when kit accused him beating of ming, he doesn't know what to say.... So then he just left without anywords and.....kit beign kit , grumpy and raised a wall of ego saying.....😤

"If u avoid me and not talking to me..... Alright.....i won't talk to u also,  until you start the talking" 😡😡😡
Kit mumbled when pha left him.

And as beam don't no what to do among those bestfriends. They avoid eachother too much and not talking like around 2 weeks. He wanted to do something , so they cant sort out everything between them .

He came to pha's dorm and started to talk to him....

"Pha... What's wrong with u guys, huh...i don't understand even a thing...!!!"

Pha didn't said any words... So beam continued...

"Pha ..... You're the only one who takes cares of most ,mainly kit....,y ru avoiding each other....."

"It's nothing beam ........ Just....."
Pha wants to talk something but he couldn't continue his words.

"Pha..... Whatever conflict is there between u and kit, please make sure to sort it out... I can't see u guys making distance between yourselves......

           ........we are bestfriends...... I , you and kit are the pages of a book. If one page is missing or like mostly disappearing...., It makes the book incomplete. I don't want our friendship to incomplete and making missing the pages. Please go and talk to kit.... I do....immitate u guys beign together, now a days i did mocking him saying...having fights and conflict s vth your boyfriend aca... Pha..., He didn't even flinch.... Am worried about u guys...." Beam said.

"Hmm...i talk to kit....later..." Pha replied to beam.

"No....later pha..... I donno what happen to kit also , he is making himself into a dreamland like.... Something.... Wearing a blank face and getting space out..."

"What do u mean...." Pha question him back.

"I donno ..... I can't say anything, because he is not saying anything to me and I've seen some changes he is not eating much lately, always getting space out, glancing to phone always and also having a glooming face around."said beam

"I go and talk to kit now..."pha said but beam stopped him.

"No...not now ...... He is busy with the assignment gave by professor because he is not concentrating in he gave the punishment as to get the note on echo stat and different types anesthetic, so u can visit him tomorrow..... I'll join u guys later in the evening and can have our besties night the old days..." Beam said pha hummed .

But beam continued....saying....
"And i hope we'll be together again like before..."😩😣


On the other hand kit is alone in the dorm, in the middle of a pile, getting to complete his assignment. Now his dorm he is getting space out for every minute.

So got out of the piles and went near to window....standing over ,letting his face to touch a cool breeze...

"What happen Ming....

  .....y are u not answering my calls or texts....again...

................are u really that busy now..

      You're not with me, not talking to me even pha too..... He is also ignoring me...

    What do i do....

   I miss my love and i miss my bestie....😥😫

   😖   I miss u mr.moon..." 😖

Kit mumbled while glancing over that window.....


Hey guys ......

Hope u enjoy reading the chapter..and ill be back soon ,

Ohh i actually used some sentimental but i don't no how will be ur reaction...waiting for that... Though...

Well .....well.... well....

Keep voting and commenting and love me too..

Until next chapter....

Love♥ and peace✌


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