Chapter - 35

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When yo' and pha are busy at staring each other..., Forth got to know that he need to do something over here.... That is to.... Stay a bit distance from them .... Until they get to talk.... With that he tapped on pha's shoulder and said...

"I'll be right there at the corner.... I know you guys need something to clear up... Dont waste any more days... And just talk to each other.... May be it'll be much better...."

To that pha just blinked at yo' and forth...who is going to intake another stick..

Yo' just stared at anything but The silence between them became....more awkward....


Yo' started the talk but cutted down by pha...

Pha asked while looking down the ground...and then slowly lifted his head to see a guilty wayo....

"Am sorry p'....."

"Why did you do that...."

With a questionable look yo' asked...
"I didn't get you p'....."

"The BET..."
He said while gritting his teeth...

With a bewildered face....
" .... It"
He asked him self because he clearly thought that his p'pha didn't have a thought about that bet which was quietly him...only

"I was there at that time.... Yo'..... In the bar .... Right a distance....still i got to hear every word clearly....
But am really a stupid enough...not to confront you at that time.... Orelse this won't happen right now... What ever which is been going on..."

"P'pha.... I am sorry...., I know that it's my fault....but i was a bit drunk....i really didn't want it to happen too..."

With a fierce pha hold yo's shoulder a bit tighter which can leave bruise....with gritting his teeth...while the tears are lingering in his eyes... He yelled
"U say u didn't want it to happen....but it's already done yo'....u didn't did nothing to stop too...."

Tears are falling out from yo's eyes too but he didn't fight with the way pha is holding him...
"I tried p'.... I thought... It won't work or happen.... Am sorry.... Its my mistake.... P'... Its.."
Yo's words again cutted down by the yell of pha...
"Then why....why did this happen at first...why....why you need to talk amd that.... What is actual reasons behind it yo..."

In the crying mess... Yo'still able to be answered...
"I was jealous.. Because everyone was talking about you and p'kit... I thought u have feelings for him..."

His sentence again cutted down... Because pha slightly pushed yo a bit back .
While raking his hair....pha a low voice...
"We were good at could have talked to me yo'...but you didn't do that..."

Then suddenly pha yelled at yo' saying..

forth wanted to go near them... But stopped himself....thinking... They need to sort out themselves only...

" Am sorry p'.... Its...just i got blinded of everything.... I just ...i lov...."

Pha cutted his words again...
Because he knew what yo' was going to tell he didn't want to listen anything or any more....

"Just stay away... Yo'.... From everything...."

Yo' got the hint.... That his p'pha doest want to listen those words...he just wiped his tears... But silently crying...with out a sob...
And said....
"P' ..... But one thing is true over here...."

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