Chapter - 20

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Ch - 20 (part-ii)

After coming into the room, pha placed kit in his bed but kit is trembling too much,in his hands . And getting panic while clenching pha's shirt tightly.

Pha tried to calm kit, but he is not listening, so he couldn't get to do anymore...he just spooned kit into his arms, placing Kit's head on his chest.. & sat over the headboard of bed and started stroking Kit's hair.

This made kit to be calm a little bit but tears are coming from his eyes silently.
When beam came and gave the glass of water to kit , he just refused it silently.

They didn't talked even a word untill , kit was tired from all crying and panic s ,he slept in pha's arms.....still sniffing and hiccuping with those dried tears.

"What actually happened pha...why are you guys are fighting with each other...if i didn't get the call from u even know what the hell is going to be happen...."
Forth started the talk, he really wants to know what actually happened between them...which cause this commotion.,and beam joined in the conversation saying...

"And why  kit is like that...? What's happening pha.."
Beam is now more worried about kit now, he didn't get to see that state, which kit is now been currently.

Pha wanted to get up and talk this over a bit far from kit but kit clenching his shirt again and getting panic over ...... So pha just stayed over and calmed kit...

After few mins, when he is fully aware of kit is been sleeping, then he started the talk...
"Ming just lost his mind and spoke very irrationally to kit, he accused our relationship, he kind of blamed kit... C'use he think that wayo and i are not together because of kit..."

"What the hell you mean by kind of ...., And why the hell did nong yo' get into this...why kit....ming....i don't understand anything pha..." Beam said it while getting really confused , forth also frowned a little bit getting to know what actually has been happening.

"Because wayo likes me more than a friend..."

"I know that.... And you guys were good though ...."


" But why that thing got to do with kit....,why is he crying &trembling too much.... And getting panic attacks, over there,i never saw him in that state pha...and why the hell you and ming are fighting over..."

"He just accused us and blamed him talking nonsense to kit and i couldn't control myself .... And it just happened.."

"The hell....."beam is getting frustrated over his words, cause pha is not mentioning the actual thing which happened between them and Beam is getting worried more, so he didn't said any word. & Kept silent

Forth has been listening everything silently trying to put the pieces together, but he thought that, something is still missing.

He again thought that he will get to know what actually happen by asking someone,he got a little hench upon that person, may be he can help with this.

So he told beam that...
"Just leave that all now... Beam..., First treat him... Am going to the campus, gotta check on ming..."

" Ok then ..... Wait for me in the downstairs... I'll meet you down after this..." Beam said to forth and he just hummed to beam.

Beam treated pha's wound which is on over lip and bruise over the cheek. And also his knuckles...he controlled his tears not to fall out from his eyes. And said

"Take care ..... Both of you..., If you guys need anything, just call me okay.... I'll come back with the dinner at 8...hmmm...."

Pha just nodded, after beam went off from the room, he just caressed kits cheek. He is just too concerned about kit.


At the infirmary...

Beam and forth got into the clinic and saw ming and wayo.

Beam got furious and stormed to ming and slapped his face very hard.

"What the hell now..." Ming hissed over and watched over at beam with his confusion and frustrated look.

Forth got beam  to his  back, when ming get to stand up.
Wayo placed his hand over ming's shoulder and stopped him.

"That's for hurting kit.... i don't know what actually has happened but you don't have any fuckin' right to hurt kit.." beam said in his stern voice.

"Beam...calm down...." Forth said and beam hissed in response.

"Ming get yourself treated and get rest at your dorm , I'll inform to the professor..."
Forth said  to ming and he nodded in response.

Forth just did his senior duty and can't say anything now. He can't just jump into the conclusion because forth has guessed that something more is there but he can't let it out...what it is...

So he just glanced at ming and wayo once. ..., And took beam from over there.


And at another side of campus some one is smiling evilly by watching the video of commotion which happened at the cafeteria.
"My minions did really no one can come between us..ming...."

That someone said while laughing historically by watching that video again and again.


Hehehe ..... Hello....

Really a long story a head...ufff....

Someone is really plotting something bad and someone is in the process of getting to know something....what is actually going to happen......👿👿👿

Njoy reading na.....more is going to come...

Until then

Love ♥ and peace ✌

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