Chapter - 41

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Exams are done, which gave them a farewell to their semester...,& Holidays welcomed them... Open heartedly... Some are happy having their time together... But some are not.... Some are regretting.... And some are missing their previous time... And some.... Are missing their special someone.. Who used to be close to their heart....

Every one left their dorm and went to their family homes... Pha and kit stay at pha's mansion... Beam and forth stay at their own place having their lovey dovey time... Some times... They go and meet their parents or they'll come and accompany kit....

Where as kit... He is happy but still feels like he is missing something... And he know who exactly... Because the baby makes him feel like that.... His cravings didn't got low... And now a days, he always been hungry... Want to munch anything which looks delicious for him.... , but he won't forget to have his favorite steak and ice cream... Because without them... He can't end the day...

As by time changes, days going on,  ending weeks... Kit stepped into another month... In Between days,  there's not a day that ming didn't messaged him or give him a call... That making him missing ming more...

Pha can also see that,  and believe that ming actually liked him... So he just didn't say anything and backed out silently... Because it's not his decision to make, it's kit's.

One day when they all 4 are watching TV.. Kit eats ice-cream while watching and leaning a bit on pha... Which made pha to cuddle him... At that time, kit jolted up because of a pain... Making him gasp... Beam and forth also straighten up when they hear hissing sound.

"kit what happened... Are you alright... "
Pha asked...

" I actually felt something... But at the same time I felt pain too... It's like some one is poking me... A little harder.... "
Kit said while rubbing his stomach....

Beam suddenly jumped and came near to kit...
" oh... My.... God... Kit.... That means, the baby kicked you.... "

Kit in dense not knowing anything.. He said...
" huh...!!?  What... "

" is it the first time u got that type of pain  right"
Beam said... While beaming too much...

"ugh.... Yeah... "

" that means... This is the first time that baby kick you... "
Beam again said while hopping on his seat which made forth to hold him tight....

" babe... Calm down... "

" how can I... You know what kit... It's the time mostly they can feel your feelings and also can hear what we say... "
Beam said while trying to escape from forth's grip...

" really.... "kit said while holding his stomach...

" yes kit...,  I also heard when dad said about that.... "
Pha Said while smiling and stroking kit's stomach softly... Which earned a kick...


" OMG... Did you feel that..., kit... That's what we are saying... "
Pha said again while stroking the stomach softly...

" wow.... But... It feels a bit pain too... He is kicking me very hard... "
Kit words made pha and forth to chuckle...

" hm... Leave me forth... I also want to feel it... "
Beam said and escaped from forth's grip.. And sat down... While having his hand on kit's stomach...
" Awww... Why is it not kicking now... "
Beam came near to kit's stomach and whispered....
" baby.... Are you there... It's me your soon to be uncle beam... "

Which made everyone laugh at his words...
But beam made a defeated face... So pha said while still strocking at a side..
" baby... We love you so much.... Do you love us... "

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