Chapter - 36

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Wayo p.o.v :

Ming where the hell are you.... And where did you took p'kit too....

I really don't know what's actually happening..... If I think deeply....  Ming is with p'kit that's for sure... So he should be in p'kits room nor in his... But ming won't leave his car just like that...
- the car is down there,  so he could be in...... Owh.....shit***

When everyone are engrossed in thinking... I speaked out saying...
"I think I know.... Where they are.... "

I can see every one frowning...with the questioning look.... But right now I can't do any explanation... So I made my way out and made them follow me to the upper floor... And stood in front of my door.....
Before I can open the door p'pha said..
" what the hell are we doing over here... We need to go and find  kit... "

" p'pha.... Please... Let us check once... If my insist is correct... Then the result is this only.... "

I said and turned to the door...

*ming... If you're in there... Then get ready for the wrath... **

With those thoughts I opened the door...  And we all went inside...

Aaaand.... There we can see two lovely birds on my bed.... Leaning over the headboard,  and nicely cuddling with each other...,  I just facepalmed myself, leaving a heavy breath.... But from  corner of my eye... I can sense p'pha's rage over here.....
I just don't know what to do right now....

P'pha went near to them... I thought that he will punch ming right now... But thank god It didn't happen... He just slightly tapped on p'kits arm... To wake him up...

"kit.... Kit.... "

With in few taps p'kit woke up and saw p'pha.... And I can see that p'kit is not in his sense... It's different... Like he is in a drunk state...
Ahh.... That's why he is over here with ming... Orelse he won't be here....  But still....
My train of thoughts got cut down by p'kit voice..

" oh... Pha~~ hi... Where we're you...  You misshed out something big you know.... "

" what... " p'pha asked kit.

" this..... " p'kit shown his hand to p'pha like he is showing some kind of ring.... And it's some kind of familiar too....

" hehehe.... See am married now pha~ hmm... Ming heere married me..... And he al-so accepted the baby too...we are going to have a haaaappy family.... Yeah... "

P'kit said in small voice everything and cheered out loud... But the word baby got me question to myself.... And I can see that p'pha is fidgeting a little bit... He and p'forth are looking at each other and frowned too... Then he turned towards p'kit again... Like question him with their look...

What is actually happening over here....


When yo' is in his trail of thoughts... Kit turned to yo's side and gasped a little.  He quickly came to yo' while wobbling a bit but pha managed to catch him....

"owh... Yo'...  Oh my god... Are you alright... Did that bustard gave you another drink or what...  You didn't drank anything right... "
Yo' got speechless, he doesn't know what kit is been saying....

Pha frowned and asked kit right away
" kit are you drunk or what... What are you talking about... And why are you behaving like this.... "

" oh.... No... No.... No....  I ain't drank any alcohol.... Its just that.... "
Kit fidget a little bit under the pa's scary eyes... But eventually he said everything...
" it's just that I saw a guy at the club..., and I saw him messing with the drinks of yo's.... So when the glass came to our table I just drank it a little bit...Hehehe.. "

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