Chapter - 22

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Ready for more drama and reading......
So here we go.....a very long chapter a head
Njoy reading na....


"Kit....please don't make me too worried"
Pha is really trying to wake kit up but kit is not moving at all.

He got scared and made a call to beam, but the call is getting disconnected. He wanted to take kit to infirmary but it didn't feel right for him. So he decided to take kit to his father's Kongthanin-hospital

So first he took his phone and car keys and then he carried kit in bridal style , then made his way to stairs.

He came down as fast as he can but carefully. Then he unlocked his car door and placed kit in the shot gun seat and fixed the seat belt too.

"You are going to be alright kit.., we'll get to the hospital soon. am here with you....please....stay put... .."
Pha said while placing a peck on kits temple.

But at some where, there is some one, coming out from his dorm, who saw pha carrying kit to his car.



Moowan is in nice sleep but then her

Phone rings....**

Without letting the another line to talk she started the talk....
"What the hell praew.... You are disturbing my sleep... I told you ,if there's any important then only call me.."

"Its really important, that's why i called you...."

"Fine tell me what is it.."

"Well i saw ming on the way to star cruise bar  near to our campus...and he only appears to be single. He is not with anyone."
Preaw answered to moowan.

Moowan now is fully awake and jumped out from the bed.

"Are you really sure that it's ming only...!!!"

"One hundred percent sure... I'll be waiting for you over there"

"Fine ..... Am on my way , then..."
Moowan cut the call while having a winning smile.


When ming saw pha carrying kit to the car and also the kiss. He fist his hand by gritting his teeth and went off from there to the bar.

Now he is at the bar counter ordering drinks. He already had few shots of raw down burning his throat. The image of kit being in pha's arms is making him mad, which is really new to him.

Just then moowan has entered into the bar wearing black v neck top and mini jean skirt. She spotted ming easily because he is near to the counter bar.

"Hii ming~~" moowan said while placing her hand near Ming's thigh.

Ming lifted his face and saw moowan .he just gave a smile to her and continued his another shot.

"Are you ok ming, you seem to be having a know you can share with me...."
She used her sweet tone to ming but he didn't even responded to her.

When ming is about take another raw shot moowan placed her hand over his right hand to stop him drinking.
"Ming~~ please stop already had too many drinks..."

"Tch....why do you care..."
Ming voiced out to her. His voice became hoarse because of the alcohol.

"You know i really care for you..."
Moowan said to ming but it seems he had listened those words before, making him to remember..

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