chapter - 9

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Kit's p.o.v

The sun rays are hitting me really hard but I really felt cold on my side. when i glance up to my side its empty.

*Where could ming can go....*😕

I thought, when i had seen the room condition, i had a hint of last night's do's.
I just kept blushing 😊very hard and rolled over to the side.

Just by making a little swift move . A hard pain😧 took over my lower body, hit me like , it got drilled very hard & teared me into parts

"Man.....*chuckled*he is really a beast😄 in bed...urgh...."

I moved a little and opened the draw, which had my pain killers. I quickly gulped 2 and drank water . Then i checked the time , it strikes 11 am in the morning, then probably ming went to attend his classes.

I think i already missed my classes...😑😫but there is noway that am going to get out of from this bed.

With that i took an another nap. I woke up abruptly to my phone ring and saw it was pha.. i groaned and glanced at the clock

*Shit....* 😲

Its 7 in the evening. I hesitated a bit and answered the phone, without my hello he began to speak, seems like pha is in a very angry mode.

"Where the hell are u kit.....why didn't u attend any of the classes... do u even know... That i already called u so many times, u didn't even replied to my messages.

What the hell happened to you.. i thought that you're going to be here on lunch but no.... Then i thought , I'll come to your room. When i came and knocked for few more times , u didn't even show up... What the hell are u thinking u r doing... U know how much i was worried about u..."

The last few sentences seems like he is really worried about me....for not waiting further i replied

"Iam in my room only.... Sorry am not in a state to come out of the room.."

When am going to some words like am okay... But only got cutted by pha on the phone just with one sentence

"Am going to your room now and if you're not going to show up at the door am going to use the spare key..."

Just with that he ended the call. I heavily sighed but suddenly i glanced up to my room ... . It was still a mess and am really naked and sticky with all those sweat and fluids. What if pha see me in this state big no....😨😨

I got up quickly and went to the bathroom, ignoring my pain. Whilst having a shower , i thought of ming . I didn't saw him or even heard any words from him.

Its okay .... I'll call him later, with that i made myself out of the bathroom freshly with fully clothing. But when i came out i saw a figure , with shock , hate , and also angry face

I look over the bed and saw..😰
*Damn...i didn't change the sheets...*
But when i made my way to him. He suddenly spoke with a question from an angry voice.

"Anniversary...? Of whom....?. ...when.....? ....and don't tell me that you and ming got together for real"

*How come he know about the anniversary and ming..* 😶

I thought just like that i saw a cake which was uncutted but that was been cutting invisible by pha's stare.

"Pha.... Actually.... It's i...." I stuttered the words but cutted by him again , but that words really made shocked and scared, how can he say that directly to me and how...

"Did u slept with ming..."
He asked those words with a horror expression.

"Uhh.... I.... I'....hhmmm..mhmm.." i just hummed , i donot dare to speak a word because pha is fumming with the anger

"That going to kill him.."
I got scared with his voice and words. When he went to the door, i suddenly stopped him by saying..

" U are not going to do anything..."
He stopped and turned around with the angry face and worried look

"Its my choice too..."i said

"Why...." He whispered with an angry growl...

"Pha....stop with that angry growl...we love each other and made a step further to our relationship, thats it...."

He was shocked at first and said...
"U love him..."

"Yeah...." I said with a shyly smile.

"Do you think he loved u as much as u do..."

"Yes....pha....and you don't have to worry about me anymore, he will take good care of me.."

With those words i hugged him. He didn't return my hug but he gripped my shoulder very tightly, that can get bruised over my skin.

When he distanced me a little bit, i again saw that angry look when he scowled and said..

"NO....he WON'T... And i never want to see that fuck be seen with u"

He said those words a bit loudly while greettinng his teeth.and made my heart skip a beat with scariness.

Without my aware, pha went out fumming with anger...
"Pha.....pha.... Pha... Listen to me...pha..."

I shouted and called his name. But he didn't turn but just went off without looking at back.

There is a fear took over my chest...but why pha is in very angry state at ming or is he angry at me!!!

I know that i didn't told anyone about my status and kept secret. Its my fault,that i even didn't told to my besties.

I went inside and called this angry wolf...pha....but he is not answering any of my calls and i got scared a little bit.

With that i called ming but he is also not answering my calls, what happen to these idiots....urgh....

I called beam .... And said to get me some food, cause am not able to move out from my room. He was worried but i lied to him saying that am a bit lazy .

I removed my sheets and drew a new sheets on to my bed , i thrown previous sheets into the laundry.

I really had to throw that cake into trash...
Because Actually pha threw that cake on to floor while running outside... After a few minutes, beam came up to my room and gave me the food and went off with his boyfriend.

I just smiled at the couple, imagining that could be me and ming in publicly to be soon.

I just hope that pha and ming won't meet each other or bump to each other.pha can do anything...he is not having any control over his angry....

Am still calling him while eating...but no he just offed his mobile...god....😫


Hey...I hope u guys are enjoying the chapter...

Hehe such a lengthy chapter

Now am actually thinking about how can ming will tell kit that he is not in love with him for real....and how pha is going to react further more....

Can u guys help me by giving me some tips...

Keep voting and commenting...and also love me too

Until next chapter...

Love♥ & peace,✌

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