Chapter - 44

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Staying at the hospital for a week ,kit and his baby got discharged.... All the family members wanted to stay with kit and the they all decided to stay at nix's house....

From that day...nix's house has been very lively...and bought happiness in their lives fully....but not to that one person...who is smiling outside but feeling remorse ,lost and mis laid inside.

Kit is the only person that can feel the lost from his friend... ming also feeling a bit lost ,for nit having that cheerful friend beside him...

So he asked the help from his brother p'mek.

Every elders are having a conversation together at lawn which is on backside..of the house... and in inside...all the youngest are discussing about ,what to make this situation to be solved....

"What do you think ....,where would yo' be right now..."
Beam asked in his low voice...while observing the baby who is trying see around an amusing way....
That made beam to smile a bit...

Forth just cuddled beam and said nothing... while pha is standing through the windows, embracing the tender breeze...
Kit gave the baby to ming, who is having a twinkling eyes...while looking to his baby... ,and went near to pha...

" pha....are you alright...."
Kit voiced out...while placing a hand on his shoulder....

Pha turned slightly with a chuckle...and his low voice...
" why wouldn't i be.....!"

"Cause i know you're not...please just let it out na pha...,"

" there's nothing kit...really...come let's go to the baby..."

" pha please don't pretended to be can let your sorrows out pha...and am always here for you...not just me...everyone over there...."

Pha got teared up a bit...and suddenly lunged to kit hugging him very tightly...and letting out the silent sobs...


When ming saw that he got a bit fired up...but when he saw how pha's shoulders are shaking...he got to knew the reason behind it...
Seeing that forth just tapped ming's shoulder lightly...


"Pha...." kit called him ,while comforting him with rubbing his back, just in that time mek came while talking on his phone...

Ming saw him and called out his name..
"P'mek did you found anything about yo'..."

Pha and kit also came near to him and sat the couch

P'mek nodding his head while saying...
"Actually yes ....i got the information from a P.I , that... he flewed away to abroad but he clearly donno to where he actually went...and with his father's support ,he hide it everything very clearly...but i got something...from his father...when i asked him...he said that....he went far away from the continue his studies...and might be return after a year or not ever too..."

Ming slightly frowned and said...
"But he was there..when i came to p'kit on that day...he is the one who dropped me here....but then when did he gone.."

"Just after dropping straightly went to the airport...",
Mek answered.

"Then you could have get any information from the airport like...which flight that he got to or something..."
Forth said..his thoughts to mek..

"I tried but still couldn't get it ,because he used their own private jet...and his father already made strict thing not to get the info of yo's where abouts..."
Mek dighed while saying...

Everyone went into a deep silence...until their parent called them to lawn...everyone went outside except pha and kit...


When kit hugged him from the side...
Pha letting out a sigh... ,he said...
"I let him go away from me kit...i just did it..."

"So do you feel okay, to let him go ....just like that..."

"I donno kit...i can't say it in words..."

Kit straightened a bit and looked st pha..
" might've been let him ho but i think...he may not...because I know he still loves you...but may be i think ...he need some himself...and please don't ever tell let him on...give your best smile..."

Which made pha to smile a bit and they went outside joing others...who are teasing ming ...


At outside...ming is so conversed himself in changing the diaper...
"Oh come on ming , why do you seem like ,you're building s project.. it's just a baby diaper... ."
P'mek said while taking a seat beside his mom...

Ming sneered and said..
"You'll know...when its the time...come "

Everyone laughed while ming huffing..while changing a diaper...making his son to tickle a bit...
Watching his son tackling with his legs...
"'re enjoying there ha...having everything exposed and to those teases..hmm.."

Which he got the answer from the baby as twinkling eyes...while sucking his fingers in to his mouth...

Kit and pha also joined them out and smiling at the rants...made by ming and rest of the family...

After , it seems like an eternity..., ming hived his chest and looked proud after making the baby wear a single diaper...but that didn't last long...when the baby again made it dirty ....

While growning...ming raked his hair and said...
" again....."

Which left everyone one into a pit of laughter....

Ming slightly looked at kit and in low voice he called...

But got cutted down by his father...,when he saw that he is neglecting the baby duties...saying...
"You know how you actually made kit pregn...."

Ming slightly jumped and shrieked out
"Alright Alright am need to threaten me with those words again...gosh.....when will you guys stop those....humph ....."

And again just like that....everyone got their little happiness while surrounding at that little bundle.....


After 1 year...

Slowly days passed...following the months and a year....everyone went into their daily flow except kit...who is taking care of his baby king and...homeschooling at the same time...,
While ming who is attending his university and completed his 2and year successfully too ..and now in upcoming..senior year he got to choose as a next head hazer...

Kit's parent offered a condo...where ming and kit can stay together...with their baby....

Sometimes they will visit to see their grand child and to fill those little moment with the baby too...

Ming will always stick to baby ...when he is free with his assignment or stick to kit....when baby's asleep or at their exhausted nights...

And in those nights...he learned have the protection 'cause...kit might get pregnant again...


Pha as usual waiting for nothing as he thinks...and going on with his studies...finally entering into his final year....

All is going well day...while kit letting his baby to sleep , he got a call from p'mek...


Hey guys...

Want to know how it will end too early ha.... it's okay...
Actually this is a very lengthy chapter but I divided into 2 parts... so still there is going to be another chapter... don't be down guys...

Until then...

Love💓 and peace✌


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