chapter - 17

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Kit woked up and rubbed his eyes with knuckles having a pout in his face..., He glanced around and saw no one. He looked down at the bed & thinking that how he got into the bed. Just then he heard some voices coming from the kitchen...😮

He went up to the kitchen and saw phana making something...😮😮

"Pha...~~".😮😮.. I called him, by asking myself y is he here ....

"Oho....good evening kit...nd....why are you looking at me like that.......😏'on... Don't show me your claws again..... 😣😣U already hit me so many times before you felt asleep..."

"Stupid asshole u deserve it .....😤" I said by slapping him on his shoulder again at once. But a light one....

Pha smiled😊 and got 2 mugs of coffee. ☕One is bitter and another is sweet one with 2 spoons of sugar.

"Here's you're coffee"  ☕ pha said and gave kit his mug..

"Thank you...." Kit sipped the coffee and spitted it into the sink.  
"Ewwww....😫what is this...."

Pha got dumbfounded and said...

"I know....that, but y it is too much bitter..😫.."

Pha sipped his coffee and shrugged by saying.😮😮😮.."uhmm... Because you always like that.....what happened kit...."

Kit saw his cup and saw pha's... like back and fourth...

"Gi'mme your cup...." Kit asked and pha gave it to him😶

Kit sipped the coffee and hummed in a light moan and said "make it yourself another..."😏😏

" grumpy kitten.... That's mine....."pha said to kit but kit just sneered and said...😣😤
"Kitten your ass..." And sipped the coffee silently and went to near. Windows and gotten zone out again .

Pha walked to kit and saw that kit is really spacing out , but he wanted to tell the truth now or never....

"Kit..." Kit got startled and looked back to pha....


"Kit.....i wanna tell you something and..... please don't get angry in me.... Because whatever am gonna tell's the truth"
Pha said being a little bit nervous...

"What do u want to tell pha.... Just get straight to the point...."
Kit narrowed his eyes in pha...😠

"Kit do u really love ming....."

Kit smiled and said " yes of course..."

Pha asked kit again...
"And what about ming....?"

"H...he...too" kit said while looking at pha..😟

Pha asked the question back again....
" Do you really think that he loves you do him..."

" Ofcourse pha.... He is..." Kit said annoyingly because he is getting mad at pha.. And thought

***Why he can't just think like that...****

"No... Kit, you're wrong...."

"Why do you say that..huh.." kit got angry and yelled a little at pha😧

"Just tell me then did you got together officially on your own... After the night you slept..."

"" 😩😞Kit stuttered and bit his lips from trembling, because ming didn't even met kit after that incident.

"Y are you lying kit..."

Kit eyes got widend and started to tear up ..and turned his back to pha... And said..

"I...i... Am not...." He stuttered again and biting his lips not to let the tears out.😢

" Kit the actual doesn't love all...
       Heck ....he just did for the stupid bet..."

Pha nearly yelled but didn't shown his frustrating over ming/yo' on kit.

Kit can't control his tears now....he turned and said😭
"No.... You're just making it , that's it, right...,
Mi..ming is not... Like all...he...he.. he loves me ....
    Right...pha..., U don't like him that's why you're telling me"

"No... Kit, but it's the truth....yo and ming made a bet to get u into the bed and he just used that love word to win....kit..."

Kit got totally broke down.😭😭😭..and nearly falling by dropping the mug, but pha got him... and the mug shudder into pieces.

"U... Your lying..pha...."kit can't control his tears anymore...😭😦

"It's the truth kit...." Pha whispered out loud..😦

"How do you know...may be you just making the things right....i don't believe you" kit yelled at pha but pha got calm and said..😭😠😫

"I know this because, i listened and seen from my own eyes and ears...kit..... Before the competition....and am not really making it....i swear..."

"Do u mean.....if u really know that long....y didn't you tell me pha... Why...." Kit again yelled at pha..😭😬

"Because i don't no how to tell you that everything...when ever am about to tell you , there were always someone who'll get in middle..."

"No.... You're lying...u just lying....((kit got up from pha's arms..)) . You're lying..." And yelled😭😢😬

"Its the truth kit...."pha said and got up...

" Why are you saying this now.... Then..."

" Kit please listen to me.... I care for u"

"No.... You never took care of me before...and now you suddenly telling me that... You mever cared for me u never listen to me...."😭😭😭

" Kit please.... Listen to me once...ming..."
Kit got furious, he cutted pha's words by holdong his arm...and dragged him out of his room & slammed the door in his face.

Pha stood outside and bangged the door...
" Kit please....please open the door...kit...."😢

Kit leaned to the door while letting his tears out...and slide over door..

"You're lier pha...." Kit cried out loud..😭😭

"Kit... the door ...." 😢😩He whispered out loud, that kit can hear....

"Get the hell out of here... Pha..." Kit screamed and folded his legs crying...hard.....😭😭😭

"Kit...."pha whispered😭😢😢 and stayed over there until dark.... That's when beam came and took pha to his dorm...


Hello...guys 😘

I hope u like the chapter and I'll get you into another chapter soon.....

Keep voting and commenting...and love me~~~ too...😘😘

Until next ....😉

Love♥ and peace✌

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