Chapter 4 - It's Him 🌼

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8th September, 2022

Neha's phone rang. She was sitting on the chair and her phone was on the bed. Her head turned to the bed. She was about to picked up the phone but before that Upasana came from the other room and picked up the call.

"Hallo aunty.", Upasana said.
Neha turned her head to the laptop again.

"Yes, it's Upa and finally I found your daughter. After so much tapashya. Just think aunty she didn't even tell you where she exactly was. How dheth she's."
Neha smiled little after hearing her words.

"Yes, she's here.", Upa handed her the phone.

"Yes Maa."

"Finally she found you. Told you.", Her mother said.

"So now you're coming to Kolkata."

"Maa..", Neha tried to say something but her mother stopped her and said, "no. I'm not gonna listen anything. It's been three years Neha you didn't come to Kolkata. Now you've to come."

"Ok.", Neha didn't protest.

"Really?", Her mother was surprised by her daughter's sudden reply.

"Yes Maa, I'll come because I also missed everyone very badly."
She could feel her mother's smile.

"Now stop smiling. I'm working bye.", Neha said.


She hung up the phone and started typing something.

"What happened?", She heard Upa's voice.

"Maa just asked to come to Kolkata."

"My Mom was also asking for the same.", Upa informed.

"So I'm going. You want to come?", Neha asked.

"Yes of course. But first tell me when are you going?"

"May be next week.", Neha didn't move her eyes from the laptop.

"I have to manage my work first."


"By the way where do you work?", Upasana asked after taking out her phone.

"I worked in two hospitals and after that I'm someone's personal nutritionist.", Neha said.

"Who's??", Upa asked.

Neha stopped typing and looked at Upa who was drinking water.

"Varun Dhawan's.", Neha said making Upasana chock.

"Who's?", Upasana almost screamed. Neha smiled.

"You are alive right? I mean you didn't die after meeting him??", Upasana asked because everyone knew how mad Neha was for Varun.

"No look I'm alive. And he's a very good person."

"So are you planning to marry him??", Upa asked with a smirk.

"Of course not because he's already my husband.", She walked out from the room.

"What?" Upa followed her.

* * *

16th September, 2022

"Our partners are totally pissed off yaar we only stayed for 3 days.", Upasana said while sitting on the seat in the flight.

"I know but what can we do. We have our work and people are continuously calling.", Neha said.

Upasana was sitting on the window seat, Neha's seat was next to her.

"Ayhy my leg.", Upasana said.

"Or khudo, ehi hoga, moch aa gai na. Now don't move.", Neha scolded her. Upasana smiled because she missed it a lot.

"Can I ask you something?", Upasana asked.

"Of course. Why are you taking permission?", Neha said.

"You didn't tell anyone about where you were because of me right?"

Neha looked at her simply.

"You hated me so much.", Upasana asked.

"No.", Neha held her hand. "I never hated you, never. I was just ashamed of myself. I don't know how to face you. You don't know for how many times I thought to call you and meet you but I never got the courage to do that. I was feeling so much guilty.", Neha lowered her head.
Upasana hugged her.

"Look who's hugging me, Ms. Roy who hates hug and all.", Neha chuckled.

"Shut up.", Upasana uttered.

Neha hugged her back and then said, "now leave me or people will think something else about me which I'm not."

Upasana laughed and got apart.
They were talking about some random topics when Upasana saw someone sat next to Neha. Neha was facing Upasana so she couldn't see.
Upasana ignored that and kept talking.

Than the man opened his shades and pushed his hair back. Upasana now saw his face properly and her eyes became wide. Neha saw that and followed her eyes and turned around.

The man also looked at them.
Their eyes also became wide. They three were staring at each other with wide eyes.

"Darshan", Neha whispered.

After staring for a while Neha and Upasana looked away. They were not looking at each other, they were only looking straight.
"What the hell is he doing here?", Upasana asked.

"How do I know?"

"Why he come everywhere we go. Har jagah tapak parta hai.", Anger was clearly visible in her voice. Neha saw her grip went tighter around the plastic water bottle.

"Upa calm down. Ok, don't throw anything.", Neha took the bottle from her.

"I think I should go.", Upasana said and about to stand up.
"You are not going anywhere. And you can't go by yourself.", Neha told.

"For my leg, I'm leaving him today.", Upasana said.

"Ok my lady don now please shut your mouth, he'll listen."

"I want that. Why he's even still sitting here?", Upasana glared at Darshan who was still looking at them. After hearing that he looked away.

"Shut up Upa.", Neha tried to calm her down.

"I'm sleeping. Bye.", Upasana wore her earphones and closed her eyes.

"No you can't sleep. What will I do then??", Neha whispered but who cares.

Neha again looked straight. But from the corner of her eyes she could see that Darshan was looking at her.

She ignored and took out a book from her bag and started reading. Though she couldn't read a single line but she kept pretending.

And after a long time when Darshan was not looking away she finally said, "Stop staring please. It's embarrassing."

He looked away and said, "Sorry."
Neha desperately wanted to look at him but she couldn't. She took a deep breath and sat straight.

"Hi.", Darshan said.

"H-l", Neha uttered nervously.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"


They became silent again.

"Neha I know...", But Darshan was cut off by Neha.

"I'm very sleepy.", She said and leaned her head to the seat and closed her eyes.

So many things were running inside of her head. After three years in the same month she met those people from whom she was running for so long. She was not ready at all to meet him, to face all the questions he had. Because she herself was still searching for the answers. She didn't know what would happen next, because she knew that they can never be the same again.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now