Chapter 11 - I don't think she loves you anymore 🌼

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23rd September, 2022

The sunlight fall on Neha's face from the open window. She raised her hand to hide her face. She turned her face in the opposite direction then slowly opened her eyes. She raised her body from the sofa and sat straight. After rubbing her eyes she opened her eyes properly. She found that she fell asleep on the couch. Then she looked around and saw not only she Darshan and Upasana also fall asleep there. She looked at them and found Darshan was sleeping while leaning his head on the sofa and Upasana was sleeping resting her head on his lap. The laptop was laying beside her. Neha looked away after seeing that. She stood up from her seat. She looked at Darshan again and saw the sunlight was irritating him. So she went and pulled the curtains. Then went to the washroom.

After getting fresh she came out, they were still sleeping.
She walked to the kitchen and started making coffee.

Between this Darshan woke up. He tried to sat straight then he realised Upasana was sleeping. So he took a cushion and placed that under her head then stood up. He looked all around and saw Neha in the kitchen. He walked to her.

"Good morning!", He said while rubbing his eyes. Neha looked at him and said, "good morning. Coffee??"

Darshan nodded and about to say something when Neha stopped him and said, "I can't make your adrak wali chai Sorry."

Darshan smiled and nodded again. He's still not opening his eyes properly. Seeing that Neha smiled a little.

"Go was your face. You're still sleeping.", Neha said.

Darshan nodded like an obedient boy and walked to the washroom.

Neha made two cups of coffee and went to the balcony.
She sat on the chair.

"Neha??", She heard Darshan's voice.

"In balcony.", Neha said. And after that Darshan came to the balcony. She gave the cup to him.
After taking that he sat next to her.

Darshan took a sip and said, "I'll come to you every morning."

Neha looked at him and asked, "Why??"

"I love your coffee. Maza aa gaya.", Darshan said and took a sip again.

"Or yea maza tum sabko dena chahte ho.", Neha said with a smile.

They looked at each other and laughed.

"Don't embarrass me.", He said.

"But I can't make coffee for everyone. Sorry.", Neha laughed again.

"No need. Only make for me. That will be fine.", Darshan said.

"Why are you guys laughing subha subha??", Upasana came while rubbing her eyes and sat between them.

"Actually we are planning about your weeding and thinking it'll be so fun.", Darshan said while looking at Neha.

"Yes and imagine your groom will be", Neha started thinking something funny.

"Like me.", Darshan said.

"Eww", Upasana cringed, "I'll better be single all my life.", She said and left.

"She really hates me."

"I don't think so.", Neha said and concentrated on her coffee.

* * *

"Upa!!!", Neha shouted from the dining hall. She took her bag and phone.

"What??", Upasana came out and asked.

"I'm going to the hospital!", Neha said.

"What?? It's Sunday yarr. It's our day remember.", Upasana said.

"Sorry, very very sorry. But we doctors have no Saturday Sundays.", Neha said while making a bun with her hairs.

"Not fair. Now what will I do?.", She looked at the locked and was that 3:03 pm.

"Please do something I'll be back before 6. Promise.", Neha said gave a hug and walked to the door.

"Bye!", She said.

"Bye", Upasana said with a pucker face and closed the door.

She sat on the couch and switched on the TV. She's changing the channels when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and found that's Darshan.

"Hey!", His voice came from the other side.

"Hi!", Upasana said in a low voice.

"What happened to you?"

"Arey Neha went to the hospital yarr. It's Sunday and we planned to spend some time together. I hate her colleagues, they called her and she ran to the hospital.", Upasana's said with an anger.

"She must have some emergency no. She saves life Upasana not life us."

"Well I know But I'm getting bore now.", She said.

"Ok get ready.", Darshan said.

"For what??", Upasana asked.

"I'm coming. Get ready.", He said.

"But why? Darshan... Darshan??", But her already hung up the phone.

Upasana chuckled and walked to her room.

* * *

"I'm outside of your house.", Darshan said from the other side of the phone.

"Ok I'm coming.", Upasana said and went to the main door.

She opened the door and didn't found any car outside. Then she locked the door and came outside. She looked all over the found a bike there and saw a boy waring a helmet. Upasana slowly walked to him and tapped on his shoulder. He looked at her and pushed the glass of the helmet.

That's Darshan.

"Yea keya hai??", Upasana asked.

"Umm a way to hide my face so that people can't recognise me.", He said in a low voice.

"Now sit.", He said and Upasana sat behind him.

"By the way nice bike.", Upasana commented.

"I know.", He said with a proud.

* * *

Darshan took her to the Juhu Beach. Upasana got down from the bike and looked all over.

"Beach?? Again?? Believe me now I'm so terrified to come to any beach with you.", Upasana commented.

Darshan said nothing only looked down. Upasana looked at him and said, "Don't worry, it's all in the past now."

Darshan looked at her and nodded.

"Look Darshan I want to clear one thing today. There's nothing in my heart for you. I've no feelings for you. I always wanted you and Neha to be together. So I never looked at you in that way.", Upasana said.

"Ha toh main konsa tujhse pyaar karta hu.", Darshan said. Upasana laughed.

"I just wanted to clear this think. So don't expect anything from my side. You know what I toh infact planned for you and Neha's wedding. But now everything changed. From her side also.", They were walking side by side.

"Her side also?", Darshan asked.

"Yah, I don't think she loves you anymore.", Upasana said.

Darshan said nothing only looked forward.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now