Chapter 29 - It's 18th October 🌼

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18th October, 2022

"I'm sorry."
"I'm still sitting here. Please comeback."
"Areeyy I didn't even cut the cake."
"Darsh I'm sorry."

Darshan was reading all the massages that came from Neha for the last time. As he was reading the massages his heart was aching for every time. The pain was bothering him.
His phone rang.

"Ha Abhishek?", Darshan said.

"Happy birthday bro.", Abhishek said.

"Thank you.", Darshan replied in a low voice.

"Is everything fine?", Abhishek asked.

"Yeah everything is fine. Abhi I'll talk you later. Bye.", Darshan said.

"Ok bye, take care.", Abhishek said and hung up the phone.

His inbox and social media accounts just overloaded. Everyone was wishing him a 'happy' birthday. But only he knew how much 'happy' was his birthday.

His phone rang again. Upasana.
"Happy birthday Darshan.", She said.

"Yeah happy birthday to me.", Darshan said.

"Darshan don't be sad it's your birthday."

"I don't care. Leave all these tell me do you get any information about Neha?", He asked.

After while Upasana said, "No."
Darshan closed his eyes.

"Ok fine. Bye ", he hung up the phone .

Darshan hung his head low and shut his eyes. His friends were calling him for a birthday party but his mind and heart were at somewhere else. He was angry, upset and sad, all feelings of his were mixed up. Everything just messed up.

"This is My best birthday ever.", Darshan uttered in a low voice.

* * *

The door bell rang. Darshan was so absence minded that he couldn't even hear that. The door bell again rang. Now Darshan's head jerked to that direction. He stood up from his seat and started walking to the door. The door bell again rang.

"Aa raah hu.", he shouted in annoyance.

He opened the door and saw someone was standing there while holding a big flower bokeh in front of the face.

"Who's this?", Darshan asked because he couldn't able to see the face.
But the person was still standing without any kind of movement.

"I asked who's this? Look if you came with some kind of gifts and to wish me then Thank you now you can leave.", Darshan spoke in a breath.

"But I'll not leave that easily.", The very familiar female voice came from behind the bokeh.

Darshan's eyes widened a little. Slowly she moved the bokeh from her face and Darshan saw the face after 4 days. She was smiling. "Hi!!!", Neha exclaimed in joy.

"Happy Bi....", Darshan didn't even let her finish, before that he almost jumped and hugged her.
Neha couldn't hug him because there were a bokeh, some gifts and a bag in her hands.

"Darshan I'll die because of suffocation.", Neha said after a while. Darshan chuckled and left her.

"Hi? How can you say hi so normally with a smile.", Darshan said with a fake anger. Though Neha was smiling.

"Now stop smiling like this. And come inside.", Darshan dragged her inside. After placing all the things on the table she turned to him. Plastering a smile she hugged him properly.

"Happy birthday", she uttered.
He hugged her back.

"Thank you.", He said, "I thought you would not come!"

"It's 18th October, I had to come no!", She smiled then spoke, "I'm sorry."

"No I'm sorry.", He broke the hug and hold her hand. "I'm sorry that I left you that day. I don't know what gotten into me. I'm sorry...", He kept uttering sorry.

"Darshan it's OK. Infact I'm sorry. I just disappeared like this. I know how much you were tenced.", Neha told.

Darshan stopped for a moment.

"Where were you?", He asked. Neha looked away. Drashan narrowed his eyes.

"Neha, where you were??", Darshan again asked.

Neha slowly looked at his face and said, "I was at Upa's house."
Darshan widened his eyes and Neha made a puppy face.

"You were at Upasana's place from past 4 days. And I was dying here. That's why she was taking this so litely. Huh, she knew everything. You guys are...", He became mad on her.

"I'm sorry!!", Neha hold her ears.

"No how can you guys do this to me? I was so tenced and tum maze lut rahe the....", He again said.

"Accha I'm sorry na. I'm sorry. I just wanna give you a surprise.", She held his hands.

"Neha you..."

Neha cut off him, "I Love You."

Darshan looked at her and uttered, "Fuck your cute face."

Neha giggled and asked, "You don't think you should say something?"

"I hate you too.", He rolled his eyes. Neha smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek. Darshan rubbed his cheek like a kid.

"Now go and wear this.", Neha gave him a packet.

"What's this?", Darshan asked.

"Saari.", Neha said in sarcasm.
Darshan gave her a 'really' look.

"Then what would I say, tum sawal hi itne behuda karte ho.", She said.

Darshan was still standing while holding the packet.

"What are you waiting for?? Go...", Neha pushed him inside his bedroom.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now