Chapter 21 - Broken Her? Them. 🌼

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5th October, 2022

The clock showed it's 5:04 of morning. Though it was not at all morning for her because she didn't sleep the whole night. She sat on the bed, let out a deep breath then made a ponytail with her messy hairs.

She went to the washroom and washed her eyes which became small due to lots of crying.
Then she made a cup of coffee for her and sat on the balcony. She knew very well that this day would come one day when she would be all alone again, all that happiness was just for a while. Even so she got hurt so bad. The memories of his were chasing her so much.

She took a sip of the coffee.
"I really love your coffee.", His words rang into her ears.

She placed the cup aside and sat straight. Tears made there way out of her eyes again.

Nothing was working, nothing was there which can stop her right now, no way was there.
She had to get hurt, may be more than this.

* * *


The name flashed on Neha's phone. She once looked at the screen and again concentre in her work. It stopped vibrating. She felt relief but it vibrate again. Neha took her phone and switched off that.
She held her head and controlled her.

* * *

Darshan threw his phone on the bed and pushed his hairs back.
He called her for almost 7 times, she never received and now that's coming switch off.
He sat on the bed and lowered his head.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and about to light that up when something came in his mind.


"Hey babu!!", Upasana said to Babu.

"Hi Didi.", He smiled at her.

"Did Neha come back?", She asked while pickings up a water bottle.

"No, not yet.", Babu said. Upasana nodded and went to upstairs.

"Ha Didi, Darshan Bhai is in didi's room.", Babu said but Upasana didn't hear that and went to Neha's room.

She opened the door, the lights of her room was off. Then she smelt somthing.

"What's that?", Upasana asked to herself then she saw someone was standing near the balcony.
Her eyes went wide.

As the person turned around she screamed.


"Arey, it's me... don't shout!!!", Darshan said and switched on the lights.

Upasana opened her eyes and saw Darshan in front of her.

"You?? What are you doing here like a ghost??", Upasana asked while taking a breath in relief.

"Nothing. I was just waiting for you guys.", He answered.

Upasana saw a cigarette in his hands.

"You're smoking again and wo bhi in Neha's house. Have you lost it? If she will found out na you're dead.", Upasana said.

"How she'll know? You're are not telling her right?", Darshan said with a smile.

Upasana nodded her head in negative direction in disappointment.

"Accha listen...", Upasana called slowly.


"Can you give me that once?", Upasana said.

"What, the cigarette?", Darshan asked.

"Yes. From a long time a wanna try it once.", Upasana said.

"Really??", Drashan asked in shock.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I think we should try everything in our life.", She said.

"Ha ha bilkul.", Drashan said.

"Lo", he gave the cigarette to her.

Darshan told her how to do and she smoked that. As the smoke went inside of her mouth the voice came.

"What's going on here?"

They both looked at the door and found Neha was standing there while placing her hands on her hips. Upa's eyes widened and she gulped the smoke.

Then she started coughing.

"Upa!!",Neha came to her and rubbed her back.

"Are you fine?", Neha asked. Upasana was still coughing.

Neha gave her a glass of water.
She drank the water and felt relief.

"What's this yarr? It's jaanleva!!", Upasana said to Darshan.

"Then why are you smoking this?", Neha asked.

Upasana looked at her and said, "Woo... I thought ki try karte hai."

"Try karne ke liye sift ehi mila tha? Are you mad?", Neha said in anger.

"Don't scold me yarr. Sorry.", Upasana said and ran out from the room because she knew very well that it was dengerus to stay there.

"And you!", Neha looked at Darshan who was also scared.

"You're smoking in my house and even in my room. How dare you??", She got angry.

"Niklo!", She added.

"Huh??", Darshan asked.

"Niklo mere ghar se,abhi. Get out.", She shouted.

"Sorry!!", He made a puppy face.

"Didn't anyone tell you before that smoking is bad for health?", She asked. Darshan nodded slowly.

"Still you kept smoking."

He said nothing.

"If I'll see you ever to smoke again then you'll not go back home alive.", She admonished him.

"Ab sochlo tumhe Jaan zada pyaari hai or cigarette.", Neha said and started leaving the room.

"Jaan.", He said behind him. Neha smiled without turning around and left.

//Flashback Ends//

Darshan slowly pulled down the cigarette from his mouth and threw that in the trash can.
He pushed his hairs back again and closed his eyes. He couldn't understand what to do. He took his phone and dialed her number again. Still switched off.

* * *

7th October, 2022

Someone knocked on the door of Neha's cabin. "Come in.", She said without looking at the door.
"You are still here?"

Neha looked up and saw that's Roshni.

"It's 10 Neha. You should go home.", Roshni said.

"Yeah I'll. Just after finishing this work.", Neha replied.

"Did you eat anything?", Roshni asked.

"I'll.", Neha said.

"You will, means you didn't. Let me order something for you.", Roshni took out her phone.

"No it's ok Roshni. I'll eat something. You can leave. Don't worry about me", Neha said.

"Are you sure?", Roshni again asked.

"Yeah 100%.", Neha smiled at her.

"Ok then. Take care. You're working these days so much. Go home and get some sleep. Bye.", She opened the door to leave.

"Bye!!", Neha said and again looked at her laptop.

* * *

"Didi is not at home bahiya.", Babu said to Darshan.

"She still didn't come back, it's 11:27 of night.", Darshan said.

"No. I called Didi, she told she will not come home today, she has a lots of work.", Babu informed.

"Ok.", Darshan nodded and went to his car.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now