Chapter 32 - I got Scared 🌼

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28th October, 2022

Upasana looked at her wrist watch, it's 5:45 am. Her flight just landed. She opened the door of Neha's house and locked the door again. She almost threw her bags on the floor and jumped on the sofa. And of course she fell asleep because she was very tired.

The time was 8:09 am. Darshan pushed the main door and it opened. He walked in and about to shout 'Neha' when he saw Upasana was sleeping on the couch. He raised his eyebrows and walked to her.

"Upasana when did you come?", He asked but obviously she didn't hear.

"Upasana!", Darshan called again.

Upasana moved a little when Darshan called her again, "Upasana."

"Hatt jao yarr!!", Upasana shouted on sleep and threw a cushion without opening her eyes. Darshan moved back.

"Don't wake her up. Are you mad?", Neha came for her room as she heard his voice.

"Let her sleep. Don't disturb her or she'll kill you.", Neha said while dragged him off.

"But when did she come?", He asked again.

"I don't even know. I was sleeping and when I woke up saw her sleeping here.", Neha walked to the dining table.

Darshan looked at Upasana.
"Accha listen I'm going to hospital." As Neha spoke Darshan looked at her.

"Why? You told you'll stay at home today.", He told.

"Yeah I told. But sorry I have to go."

"It's not done.", He made a pucker face.

"I'll come back soon, promise. Till then spend some time with Upa."

Neha took her bag and came to Darshan.

"Bye", she said and quickly placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Bye!!", He uttered sadly and she left.

* * *

Upasana opened her eyes. Then slowly sat on the couch. She rubbed her eyes then opened them properly. She saw Darshan was sitting in front on her, reading something, newspaper.

"Good morning.", Darshan said.

"Morning.", She spoke, still in a husky voice.

"For how many days you didn't sleep?" Darshan palaces the paper aside and asked.

Upasana showed him her fingers, 5.
"I'm hating it right now.", She spoke. "Lots of work Yaar. Khana pina, sona sab chut gaya Mera."

"But it's your dream job na.", Darshan said.

"Of course. I love it. But these days there are so much pressure. I can't take it anymore. Sometimes I just wanna quite.",She stopped.

"It's just a phase. You'll over come this. Trust me.", Darshan passed a warm smile.

"I just don't know. I'm so confused.", Upasana rubbed her face with her palms.

"I'm confused more than you.", Darshan spoke. Upasana looked at him and he was serious enough. She was trying to understand his words.

* * *

"Did you fight with Darshan?", Upasana's sudden question made Neha look at her from her laptop's screen.

"No. Why??", Neha asked in confusion.

"No. I just felt. He was saying something which I actually couldn't understand.", Upasana looked down.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now