Chapter 3 - Found Her 🌼

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7th September, 2022

"You couldn't find it yet. What are you doing Mishra? I gave you 24 hours and you still couldn't find anything.", Upasana snapped at her manager who was standing in front of her, lowering his head.

"I'm sorry ma'am. There are lots of Dr. Mondal in Mumbai.", He uttered.

And Upasana knew that he was right. She also searched and found there were more than 30 doctors named that in Mumbai.

But though she said, "I don't want to hear anything. I just want the name and the address."

"Ok ma'am I'm doing.", He said.

Upasana stood up from her seat and walked out from the office.
She went to the nearest caffe.
After ordering a cup of coffee she sat down. The memories of three years back were running inside of the mind.

Sometimes she smiled while remembering the incidents of her stupid best friend. How mad she was? Or may be still she is? Is she still the same? Or time changed her?

All these questions were bothering her and at the next moment her smile faded.
Only she knew how much she missed all these things.

After that day she never tried to call her again. Darshan called her so many times but she never received. He left lots of massages asking about Neha, asking about her. And she didn't reply. After some days he stopped calling.
3 years passed and those three never talked. They didn't even know where they were.

After 3 years Upasana came to Mumbai and saw a girl like Neha. Was that possible after 3 years suddenly she found her? Was that she? Her heart was hopping that.

* * *

Upasana looked at her wrist watch. The time was 8:30 of night. She was driving herself to her house but Mumbai's traffic was always there to ruin your every plans. Upasana was waiting in the traffic when suddenly she again saw that blue car. And this time she decided that she would follow the car and she did it. She started following the car. Her heart beat was running fast and she was hoping for the best. Then she noticed that they were crossing her house. And then the car stopped four house after her house.
Upasana stopped the car in a distance and kept looking at the car.

Then she saw a fair skinned girl came out from the car. She was wearing a pink salwar with a beautiful blue dupatta.
Her medium length hair was straight and open. She pushed the strands of hair behind her ears and then the pretty jhumka came out. A side bag was hunging over her shoulder and a laptop was in her hand. She was wearing a black framed glasses, that made her look more serious.
She said something to the driver and walked to the main entrance.
Upasana was watching her with wide eyes, she was sitting there still.

As soon as the girl entered the main door closed and then Upasana came back to her sense.
She didn't know what to do. She wanted to cry, laugh, scream in joy, jump, dance everything.
She sat there for more 5 or 6 minutes. Then she got down from her car.

She was thinking what should she do. Would she go to her or go back?? She was biting her nail. Then she took a deep breath and walked to her door.

Upasana rang the calling bell. After 4 or 5 seconds then door opened. A middle of 20 years old boy was standing in front of her.

"Ji??", The boy asked.

"Neha, I want to meet her.", Upasana said.

"Didi just came back. She will not meet with anyone right now.", The boy said.

"But I want to meet her.'s urgent.", She uttered.

"Are you the patient??"

"Patient?", Upasana narrowed her eye brows then she remembered and said, "no no, no patient. I'm her... Friend."

"Friend?? I know all of didi's friends. You are not any of them.", The boy said.

"Arey I...can you please call her. You'll not understand. I just want to meet her. So please call her.", Upasana said.

"Kon hai Babu?", The female voice came. And Upasana knew that voice very well.

"Didi some of your friend came...", Babu moved aside and Upasana saw her. Upasana saw her after 3 years.

She already changed her dress in a white Patiala and a blue top.
Neha's eyes became wide and in the other side Upasana's eyes became teary. Neha's mouth was open and in the other side Upasana's lips were smiling.

"Upasana!!", That only left from her lips.

Upasana started walking to her slowly. She was crying and smiling at the same time. As soon as she reached to Neha, they both jumped on each other. They hugged tightly and sobbed hard. The house filled with the sound of their sob.

Three years, for three years they were bottling up all the sadness and the tears inside of them. Finally that came out.

They broke the hug after a while.
"I'm sorry.", Neha uttered between her sob.

"No.", Upasana said.

"I'm so sorry.", She again said.

"No, stop this.", Upasana wiped her tears and they sat on the couch next to eachother.

"Sorry.", Neha kept uttering sorry.

"Why are you saying sorry?", Upasana asked.

"Because all fault is mine."

"Now who said this to you?"

"No one has to say this to me. I knew it.", Tears were still scrolling down from her eyes.

"Stop blaming yourself Neha. It's not your fault.", Upasana tried to stop her.

"No, it's my fault. At that time I had two options to chose - love and friendship. And I choose love instead of friendship and I left. I was so stupid.", Neha never looked into Upasana's eyes because she was feeling very guilty.

"You choose no one Neha. You did what ever you felt right at that time. May be I would do the same if I was at your place.", Upasana said.

Neha looked at her and she nodded with a smile.

"I'm just happy that we finally met. If would know that that you were here then I would come here a long time ago.", Upasana uttered.

Neha smiled, wiped her tears and said, "so when did you come here?"

"3 days ago."

"I'm here from past one and half year."

Upasana's phone rang, that's Mishra.
She picked up the call.

"Hallo ma'am. I found her.", He said.

"I also found her.", Upasana uttered.


"Yes.", And she hung up the phone.

Then there was a silence between them. Upasana uttered slowly after a while, "I missed you."

Neha looked at her and said,
"I missed you more."

And they hugged again.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now