Chapter 22 - Ice Cream 🌼

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8th October, 2022

The door bell rang. Babu went to open the door and found Upasana in front of him.

"Arey Didi, aap!!!", Babu exclamation in joy.

"Hi Babu, how are you?", Upasana smiled widely.

"I'm good. Aap toh kaal anewale the na.", Babu asked and helped her to carry the bags.

"Ha, then my work finished toh I came and I wanna give Neha a surprise also. By the way where is she??", She asked.

"In her room. She's sleeping.", Babu told.

"Sleeping, still? It's 8 na."

"Ha, she came late last night.", Babu said.

"Oh.", Upasana walked into Neha's room and saw she's sleeping. Upasana slowly walked to the bed but suddenly her phone slipped from her hand and Neha woke up.

"Upa!!", Neha sat on the bed while rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry I woke you up.", Upasana sat in front of her on the bed.

"You are toh coming tomorrow...", Upasana didn't let her finish and said, "My work finished toh I came."

"Thank you for coming.", Neha said and hugged her all of a sudden.

"Someone missed me ha!!", Upasana chuckled but then she realised that Neha was crying.

"Neha are you crying?", Upasana broke the hug and cupped her face.

"Hey, what happened? Why are you crying?", Upasana asked.

"Nothing", Neha said in a heavy voice. "I missed you a lot.", She added.

"Pagal, that's why you're crying. Look I'm in front of you right now. Don't cry", Upasana wiped her tears and Neha hugged her again.

That was all she need that time, a shoulder to cry.

"Ok now stop rona dhona, let me change first.", Upasana said.

"Yeah go.", Neha said and wiped her tears.

"Everything is fine na?", Upasana asked again.

"Yeah why?"

"Because You're not looking fine. Look at those dark circles under your eyes. From how long you didn't sleep at night?", Upasana asked.

"It's not like that. The pressures of my work these days are so much that's why, a little bit busy.", Neha said.

"You're impossible.", Upasana walked to the living room. Her phone rang. Darshan.

"Hey!!", Upasana said after picking up the phone.

"When are you coming back?", He direct asked without any hi-hallo.

"I'm already at home.", She said.
"When did you return?"

"Umm, 5 minutes ago."

"Why didn't you tell me then I would pick you up from the airport."

"I wanna give a surprise to Neha that's why I didn't told you too. Kyu ki tere pet me toh kuch rehta nehi.", Upasana said.

"Ohh. You're in Neha's house?", Darshan's asked.

"Yeah.", Upasana said.

"Is she at home?", Darshan asked again.

"Yeah why?"

"No nothing. I'll talk to you later bye.", Darshan said and hung up the phone.

Neha came out from her room.
"Do you saw today's newspaper?", Neha asked.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now