Chapter 28 - Where Is She? 🌼

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14th October, 2022

The sunlight fell on Darshan's face. He raised his hand to cover his face then sat on the bed. He looked at himself and saw that he was still the clothes of yesterday. All those things flashed in front of his eyes again. He walked to the washroom.
Changed his clothes, brushed his teeth then went to the kitchen to made a cup of tea.

He walked to the room while sipping his tea. Took his phone from the bed and saw a lots of missed calls and a bunch of messages came from her. He again placed the phone on the bed and went to the balcony. He didn't bother to call or message her for once. Once he thought to call her but then he stopped himself. Without waisting anytime he went to the studio.

* * *

"Hallo.", Darshan picked up the call. That's Upasana.

"Hallo Darshan?", Her voice came from the other side.

"Ha bolo", he said.

"Can you please give the phone to Neha.", She spoke.

"What? How can I give her the phone?"

"She's with you na?", Upasana again said.

"No she's not with me.", Darshan looked away and said.

"What you mean by she's not with you? Then where's she?"

"May be in her house. How do I know?", Darshan said.

"I'm standing outside of her house. She's not here. She was toh with you last night. Then where she went?", Upasana questioned.

Darshan became quite because he didn't even know where she went after that.

"I..I don't know..", he stammered.

"What you mean you don't know? She was with you na?"

"Yeah she was with me but I...I left her there.", He said in a low voice.

"What??", Upasana almost shouted.

"You left her there alone?? Why?", She added.

"We got into a fight."

"Oh and you left her there alone. Wow. Darshan, are you freaking mad?"

"Upasana please, I'm already tenced. I'll talk to you later.", And he hung up the phone.

He looked at his wrist watch, 5:47 pm.

"She didn't come to from last night. Where the hell is she?", He went to his car.

"Shit man muje usse akela chodna hi nehi chahiye tha. Shit!!!", He started blaming himself. Darshan slipped his hand into his pants pocket to take out the car keys. But something else he found. The box of the ring.

He opened the box, touched the ring and then sat inside of the car.

* * *

17th October, 2022

"We should call the police.", Darshan spoke.

It's been 3 days, and still they didn't know anything about Neha. She was still missing. Upasana and Darshan were continuously searching her. They went to everywhere, to her every friends but she was nowhere. She didn't even went to Kolkata. Now they didn't know where to go.

Upasana looked at him. Darshan also looked up to her.

"I think we should go to the police. 3 days passed. We didn't even know is she fine or not. I can't take it anymore.", Darshan said.

"Darshan calm down. She did it before also. I know her very well. She'll be back.", Upasana said.

"What if something bad happen to her?"

"Stop talking rubbish Darshan. Nothing happened to her. She'll be fine.", Upasana scolded him.

Darshan lowered his head again.
"Don't worry. Ok fine wait for today. If she'll not come tomorrow we'll go to the police, ok??", Upasana placed her hand on his shoulder. He nodded slowly.

"It's all my fault. I left her alone there. How can I do that?", Drashan stood up from the chair.

"How can I left? She was calling me, but I didn't stop. She was continuously calling me, dropped massages but I didn't even saw them. What the fuck was wrong with me? How can I behave like so irresponsible?", Darshan shouted.

"It's ok Darshan. It's not your fault. It's no one's fault. Don't blame yourself. You know na how she is? She did this kind of things. Calm down. Wo aa jayegi.", Upasana tried to console him. But he punched on the wall and left from there angrily.

"Darshan...", Upasana called from behind but he left.

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