Chapter 35 - The Dream 🌼

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Neha's mouth was wide open. She didn't know what to say. She once looked at Darshan then again looked back at Upasana.

"Neha..", Upasana called her.
Neha turned away her face to another direction. Her eyes were burning.

"Neha I wanna say something.", Upasana spoke.

"Does anything left to say?", Neha asked.

"Yes", Upasana said.

"Can you give me your ring, which Darshan gave you.", Upasana asked in a low voice.

* * *

Neha sat on the bed in a jerk. She was panting and sweating like hell. She gasped and wiped her sweat. She looked at her side table and grabbed the water bottle, after drinking some water she felt relief. Then she recalled her dream. And after a silence she laughed, laughed hard, couldn't even stop.

Her eyes fell on the clock, 8:02am. "I overslept huh!", She pressed her forehead and walked to the washroom.

* * *

The door bell rang. Babu went and opened the door. Darshan and Upasana came inside. They directly went to Neha's room. They sat on the couch and discussing something when Neha came out from the washroom.

"Hey guys.", Neha said in happy voice and went to her dressing table.

"Good morning!", Upasana said.

"Morning good."

"You just wake up?", Darshan asked.

"Yess. Late ho Gaya aaj.", Neha replied while combing her hair.

"You know what I saw today guys?", Neha almost came near them while jumping.

"Saw what?", Upasana asked.

"A dream!!", Neha said.

"Toh issme konsi bari baat hai."

"Arey sun to sahi.", Neha sat on the bed.

Upasana and Darshan understood very well how excited Neha was.

"Bolo.", Darshan said with a smile.

"I saw....", She started narrating the whole dream. They both were listening with a lots of concentration. Neha finished telling her dream and stared at both of them with a "how's it" look.

Upasana and Darshan's eyes were widely open. After exchanging looks Upasana and Neha bursted out into a laughter. Darshan didn't.

They both were laughing uncontrollably.

Darshan looked at both of them and said, "What rubbish!!"

"1 hafte me teri Saadi hai and tu yea sab sapna dekh rahi hai!!!", Upasana said between her laughter.

"I just can't stop laughing after this.", Neha looked at Darshan and laughed again.

"Gross.", Darshan stood up and walked out from the room.

"What happened to him now?", Upasana asked while controlling her laughter.

"God knows, let me check.", They looked at each other and laughed again.

Neha walked to the living room and saw Darshan there.

"Darsh!!!", She called him.

Darshan didn't turn, so Neha went and stood in front of him.

"What??", She asked.

"What What??", He asked back.

"Why are you behaving like this?", Neha was still smiling.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now