Chapter 43 - Party 🌼

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"Get ready.", As Darshan entered into the room Neha said.

He looked at her and found she's wiping her face with a towel.

"Why?", He asked.

"Rishi just told me to get ready. We're going somewhere.", Neha walked to the closet.

* * *

"Darshan!", Neha called his name for the third time.

"Darshan how much more time you'll take to get ready?", Neha asked to Darshan who was combing his hair in font of the large sized dressing table.

"2 minutes!", Darshan told.

"God, you take so much time.", Neha stood up and started adjusting her saari.

"Wow, someone is looking hot in saari.", Darshan said while looking at her through the mirror.

Neha looked at him and said, "you're not looking bad though."
They smiled at each other.

"Ho gaya tumhara jaldi Karo.", Neha reminded him again.

"Ha ha ho Gaya.", He grabbed his phone and walked to the door with Neha.

"Accha let's check if Upa got ready or not.", Neha said and went to her room, Darshan came behind her.

Upasana's door was locked. She knocked and after three knocks Upasana opened the door with half open eyes.

"You're still sleeping?", Neha asked. "When will you get ready?", She added.

"Sorry I slept. Accha you guys go, I will join.", She said while rubbing her eyes. 
"How will you come?", Neha asked.

"Arey the driver will drop me na.", Upasana said.

Darshan said looking at Rishi who was coming out of his room, "Rishi will drop you." Neha looked at Darshan instantly. Darshan looked at her and blinked.

"Yah I can.", Rishi nodded. Darshan and Neha then.

"Why did you say Rishi to take Upa?", Neha asked angrily.

"He is not that bad. They are gonna be fine. Chill.", Darshan said.

Neha rolled her eyes and sat inside the car.

* * *

Darshan and Neha entered and saw their friends and all cousins. The place was beautifully decorated. Everyone started talking and laughing. But Neha was checking her wrist watch again and again. Darshan noticed that and held her hand, "Drink?"
Neha nodded negatively.

"They will come, don't worry.", Darshan whispered and Neha blinked.

Suddenly the lights went off. And then they heard a scream of a female voice.

"Upa aa gai.", Neha said.

Darshan looked at her and they both laughed because they knew it was only Upasana, the chicken. After a few seconds the lights came back again.

Neha and Darshan saw Upasana near the door while holding Rishi's hand tightly, her eyes were closed.

"You can open your eyes.", Rishi said and Upasana opened her eyes. She breathed out in relief. They found Neha & Darshan in the crowd and walked to them.

"Heya.", Leaving Rishi's hand Upasana waved at Neha.

"You guys took so much time to come.", Neha said.

"There was traffic.", Rishi said.
After talking a little they walked to the bar. A dance number was playing on the boxes. Upasana was slowly moving her hips with the music.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now