Chapter 37 - Save Me 🌼

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"They have reached.", Someone shouted. Neha was chilling on her bed as she heard that, she jumped from her bed and sat. She ran to the mirror, to check herself.

"Shit, my hair is looking so bad.", She started adjusting her hair and dress.

"Oye he knows your real face so you don't have to do all these.", Someone said from behind.

Neha turned around and saw Upasana was standing leaning to the door.

"What do you mean?", Neha asked.

"I mean he knows very well how ghatiya your face is.", She said.
Neha gave a death glance at her and said, "Hatt be."

Neha pushed Upasana and went to downstairs.

* * *

Darshan was sitting on the couch. Already a lots of foods came for him. All elders were asking him a lots of questions, and he kept answering them though some questions were very awkward to answer and meaningless, but he couldn't run so he had to. And the most irritating thing was a bunch of teenage girl and boys came to him and started taking selfies and asked him for autographs. He was worrying at anytime they could ask him to sing a song too. Darshan was thinking that if he came for his wedding or came for an interview.

He looked up the stairs and saw Neha was coming. She was wearing a blue coloured sleeveless anarkali which had some golden prints on it.

In all these mess Darshan felt a little bit relief when he saw her. She stood at a distance and looked at him.

Darshan was giving her a 'Save me' look. Neha chuckled while seeing his condition. She blinked with a smile then called a girl near 10 years age. Neha said something to her then looked at Darshan again. The girl ran to Darshan and said loudly, "Bhaiya aapko Bua bula rahi hai." Bua means Neha's mother.

The all relatives who were sitting with Darshan looked at Darshan, he smiled and stood up to leave. Neha entered to a room. Darshan saw that, after checking all around he also entered in that room.

Darshan let out a deep breath as he closed the door. Neha laughed.

"Ha ha haslo. My god inlogo ke questions khatam hi na hote.", He uttered.

"Sorry for all this ha.", She said.

"Why are you saying sorry. And I'm happy with all this but my complain is that where were you till now? I was looking for you.", He walked to her.

"I was at my room, waiting for you.", Neha smiled.

Darshan wrapped his hand around her and said, "I still can't believe it's happening. I feel like I'm still dreaming."

Neha instantly pinched him hard.
"Auuuchhh!!", Darshan screamed.

Neha covered his mouth with her palm and said, "Shhh, marwaoge keya."

"Why you did this?", Darshan said while rubbing his hand.

"You thought it's dream so I pinched you.", Neha said proudly.

"I hate you so much you know!!", Darshan trickled her. Neha laughed and took two steps backward.

But Darshan came close and kept leaning to her. They both were smiling when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

They both stopped and looked at the door. Then looked at eachother then.

"Shit!", Neha uttered. "Now what will we do?", She bit her thumbnail.

"Darshan are you inside?", A male voice came.

Neha looked at Darshan, "Papa! I told you to not to scream.", She whispered.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now