Chapter 41 - You're Home 🌼

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12th December, 2022

Neha broke the hug and looked at her sister, Rimi.

Neha looked at her mother who was trying hard to give her best smile to her. Neha hugged her tightly and cried hard.
"Shhh, don't cry.", Her mother rubbed her back.

Neha broke the hug, she was sobbing hard. Her mother wiped her tears.

"It's ok don't cry.", She said.

"Where is dad?", Neha asked while looking around. Then she saw her father was coming towards her, his eyes were wet.

For the first time Neha saw her father crying, it broke her heart. Her father gave her a smile. Without wasting any time Neha hugged her dad and broke down. Her father also cried while holding her. Placing a kiss on her hair her father broke the hug.
Darshan was standing just beside of them, his eyes also became wet.

Then Neha's eyes went to her brother who was standing in a corner lowering his face. She walked to him.

"Oye!", She called in a broken voice.

Souvik looked at her, he was crying.
"Why are you crying ha? You are toh supposed to be happy, because finally I'm going.", Between her sob Neha said. Without uttering any word Souvik just hugged her.

"Who told I'm crying because of you. I'm crying because of Darshan, he has to tolerate you from now na.", Souvik said.

Everyone chuckled and  Neha slapped his upper arm. "Let her go. Or they'll be late.", Her mother said. They were going to Gujrat direct from here in a few hours.

"Come.", Upasana led her to the car.

Neha looked at her and tears made their way again.

"Arey why are you crying. I'm not going anywhere. You'll meet with everyone na. Now go and don't cry.", Upasana said her but where she's herself crying hard.

Neha sat in the car. Darshan sat beside her. The driver started driving and soon they got apart from her family. Neha covered her mouth and cried hard.

"Hey don't cry. You're not leaving forever. We'll come again.", Darshan rubbed her back.

Neha hugged him and continued her cry. She was feeling like, yes it was her home now. She was feeling safe in his arms.

Darshan hugged her tightly and placed a kiss on her hair.

* * *

13th December, 2022

After some of the rituals in Darshan's house the newly wedded Bride and Groom went to their room finally. From Neha's house Upasana only came with her. The all the cousins and nephew and nieces were just not ready to leave Neha a singel moment because they all wanted to spend time with the new member of their family. But because one of Darshan's aunt scolded them and said, let them take rest, then they left Neha and she breathed out in relief.

Neha entered in the room and  directly sat on the bed. She came for the first time in Darshan's room but she didn't bother to look how's it or that. She just want to have a sleep right now. She was still in the same saari and jewelry.

Darshan locked the door and looked at Neha who was sitting on the bed while closing her eyes.

"Change your clothes and take rest. You look very tired.", As his voice came Neha opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Why this Saadi has so many rituals?", Neha asked in annoyance.

Darshan only smiled.

"Kissi ko Saadi na karni hi nehi chahiye.", Neha said and started taking out some clothe from her bag.

"Already regretting marrying me?" Darshan asked

"Short of.", Neha threw the kurti to Darshan which was in her hand.

"You're home. Finally!", He said with a little smile on his face.
Neha looked at him and nodded.

* * *

Upasana was coming through the stairs in a hurry when suddenly she bumped with a hard chest. "Ouch!", She sounded and then felt a hand was protecting her from falling. She looked at the person and found Rishi with a smiling face.

Upasana pushed him and stood straight.

"Tum? Phirse?", She asked.

"Hi I'm Raj, naam to suna hi hoga.", He said and ran his fingers though his hairs.

"Nehi suna. Sorry.", Faking a smile Upasana started leaving.
Rishi ran behind her.

"Upasana.", He called.

Upasana looked at him.

"How do you know my name?", She asked.

"I know everything about you.", Rishi said with a smile.

"Accha. RISHI!!", Upasana also smiled. This time Rishi looked at her with suprise. Upasana smiled wider and said, "Kabhi Rahul Kabhi Raj. Apne naam se allergy hai keya tumhe?"

Rishi rubbed the backside of his neck with a smile and said, "Wo Toh you also noticed me ha!"

"Notice? Sirf Dekha, notice Toh Bohot Dur Ki Baat.", She started walking again. Rishi started walking beside her as well.

"So Ms. Upasana Roy you're coming tonight right?", Rishi asked.

"Where?", She asked back.

"You don't know? Actually we all are planning a cocktail party for Bhaiya and Bhabi tonight.", Rishi informed.

"Oh. Obviously I'll come.", Upasana said.

"Ok then see you there.", He said with a smile.

* * *

Darshan came out from the washroom and saw Neha already fell asleep on the bed. He walked to the table, grabbed his wrist watch and wore that. He went to Neha placed a kiss on her forehead. He turned to leave when he felt someone held his hand. He smiled and turned around. 

Neha opened her eyes and asked, "Are you going somewhere?"

"No just here, in the house. Just going to see what everyone's doing? You take rest.", He crashed her hair then left. 

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now