Chapter 23 - She's Paining🌼

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Upasana was sitting on the chair, covering her face with her palms. Mishra was standing in front of her. They were at hospital.

Roshni came out. As Upasana saw her she stood up.

"How's she?", Upasana asked.

"Better.", Roshni said. Upasana looked at Neha once from the door.

"What exactly happened? Why she fainted all of a sudden?", She asked again.

"She didn't eat anything from 4 days. Toh or keya hoga. I noticed also, she was spending all the times in the hospital, trying to get herself busy in her work. That's why she's didn't eat or sleep properly. Because of that her blood pressure fall. She's very weak right now.", Roshni said.

"Don't worry she'll be fine.", Roshni patted on Upasana's shoulder and left.

Tears scrolled down from Upasana's cheeks. She peeped inside of the room from the glass of the door. Neha was sleeping.
Upasana controlled her tears and said, "Mishra you go home. Thanks for coming with me."

"Are you sure ma'am? It's ok I can stay here.."

"Noh no need. I'll manage. Or everyone knows here Neha so koi problem nehi hogi. You go.", Upasana said.

"Ok ma'am.", Mishra said.

Upasana sat on the chair again, lowering her head.

When the phone rang. That was Neha's phone. Darshan.
Upasana rolled her eyes, because when Neha fainted Upasana called first Darshan from Neha's phone but he didn't answer. Now he's calling. But she picked up the call.

"Why did you call me now?", Darshan asked in a rude voice. Upasana was about to say something when Darshan again said, "When I called you, you never picked up then why suddenly now you're calling me?"

"Because she's dying now.", Upasana said.

Darshan became silent for a moment then said, "Upasana?"

"Yes, it's me. And I was calling you not Neha."

"What happened?", Darshan asked in concert.

"Ab jaan ke keya karega? When we needed you, you didn't received the call..."

"Upasana What happened tell me.", He said a little louder.

"We are at the city hospital.", Upasana said.

"Ok", Darshan hung up the phone. Upasana sat on the chair again. She was feeling angry, sad, disappointed at the same time.

* * *

Darshan came to cabin 56 while running. He saw Upasana was sitting on the chair.

"What happened? How all these happen...", Darshan asked with concern. Upasana looked at him. Her eyes became red.

"I have the same question Darshan. What happened? What exactly happened in these 4 days?", Upasana asked. Darshan became silent. He turned to the door and looked at Neha from the door.

"Darshan I'm asking somthing.", Upasana turned him around by his shoulder.

"How do I know?", Darshan said.

"You're the one who know only after Neha. What did you say that she almost stopped living her life? She uttered your name before fainting. It means it's related something to you.", Upasana said.

Darshan said nothing. Upasana was angry but tears never stopped.

"Why do you came again in our life Darshan? Why? To ruin everything again?", Upasana shouted making Darshan shock.

UNEXPECTED 1 : PHASE 2  || A DARSHAN RAVAL FANFICTION||Where stories live. Discover now