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"Soobin, you need to take out the trashes." Taehyun reminded Soobin once he found the older boy wallowing around on the job. Currently, Soobin was sitting on the floor with his back against the cash register counter; he was on his phone watching YouTube videos.

"But its sooooo cold!" Soobin complained 

"Should have done it before the sunset" Soobin made a face of annoyance before he got up from the ground and went to go gather the trashes. It was almost closing time, so business was slow. All Taehyun and Soobin were waiting for now what for the clock to strike midnight so that the two can pick up and go home. While Soobin continued his task, his mind wandered to a certain boy. HueningKai to be exact. 

Ever since they exchanged numbers a few weeks ago, the two began texting each other every day, but it was only that. Soobin hadn't seen Huening in person since, and its left Soobin feeling odd.. he feels like something is missing from his life. Soobin wondered if what he was feeling was normal or not. He had never had these kinds of feelings with a girl before- much less a boy.

From the beginning of junior high to just a year ago, Soobin was in a gang. He was well known for his short temper and violent actions. It wasn't unusual for him to break a few bones on a person. You could imagine how shocked people were to hear that Soobin was retiring from his gang and is deciding to live like a decent human. Now, Soobin was here throwing out the trash and missing an adorable boy. 

HueningKai missed Soobin. Sure, the two texted each other throughout the day, but something felt wrong in Huenings chest. With final semester exams approaching; HueningKai has found himself no time for anything other than studying. He woke up, went to school, studied, ate studied, showered, studied, went to sleep, and would repeat the cycle in the morning. 

"ARGGHH!" Huening groaned loudly as he stretched his arms behind his back. Today his study group ended later than usual. The flower shop was already closed by now; which most likely meant Yeonjun and Beomgyu were already home. Kai felt lucky that he found his house key the other day because now he didn't have to worry about waking Yeonjun or Beomgyu up if he got home late.

HueningKai was approaching the flower shop- but that wasn't where Huening was looking. He was staring at the convenience store in front. The lights were still on, it was the only place open in the area, and the only place with light. The pink, blue, and green neon lights of the store standing out in the dark street. Huening didn't even think twice about entering the store.

Soobin and Taehyun were both speaking behind the counter when the front doorbell rung, signaling they had a customer. The two workers looked to see who it was this late at night. Soobin felt his heart palpitate when he saw who it was; HueningKai in a peach oversized hoodie,    holding two textbooks and had a white backpack. His cheeks were bright pink from the cold air outside. Soobin and Huening made eye contact, and the two both felt relief. 

"Hi!" Huening was the first to speak up. The small boy running up to the register to be closer to Soobin.

"H-Hi, w-what are y-you doing" Soobin stuttered as his face turned red. Taehyun rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe a 6'0 tattooed and pierced former gangster like Soobin was becoming a flustered mess.

"Soobin has shitty manners, please excuse him. I'm Taehyun, and you must be HueningKai" Taehyun held out his hand towards Huening.

"Nice to meet you! you're really short" Taehyun felt his right eye twitch. He was sensitive about his height. 

"I'm going to go mop the walls" Taehyun bitterly said as he pulled his hand away from Huening. The younger boy oblivious to the harm he had just done to Taehyun's ego. 

"Why do you still have your school stuff?" Soobin asked Huening as he eyed the younger boys items. 

"I just got out of study group, i'm heading home right now" Huening smiled with his mouth closed. Soobin ignored the sudden speed up of his heart. 

"Alone? no, that can't happen. I'll walk you home" It wasn't a question, but more of a statement. Soobin didn't even bother changing out of his work shirt, instead, he reached for his hoodie and put it on over his uniform. 

"You don't have to. I can take care of myself." Huening slightly became annoyed. He was used to Yeonjun and Beomgyu telling him it wasn't safe to walk alone, basically saying that Huening was too weak to fend for himself, which was far from the truth. Huenings older brother put him in Karate lessons so he knows enough self-defense to not be completely helpless. 

"I know you can, but I don't want you to be lonely on your way home" Huening felt his cheeks heat up, and if he thought his heart couldn't beat any faster. He was wrong. 

"Let me take this for you" The older boy carried Huenings backpack and textbooks.

"T-Thank you" Huening wasn't feeling shy, he was just feeling really happy.

"So, whats study group like?" Soobin asked HueningKai; who smiled widely. As the two began their walk together, Huening started telling Soobin about his friends at study group and all the wild things that go on. Their voices growing more inaudible from the store as they walked together. 

"Hey Soobin, did you refill the ice?" Taehyun walked out from the break room. His eyes scanned the store in search for his co-worker and best friend. It didn't take long for Taehyun to realize that Soobin left with Huening. 


To make things worse; Soobin had the key to lock up. 

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