Bonus content + Second book?

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It's hard to believe LAFC is over T.T thank you to everyone reading! I'm here to give some bonus content! Let's get to it!

Disclaimer! Everything is based on MY characters and not the actual idols

Fun facts:
• Taehyun and Yeonun are Bisexual
• Jungkook only opened the flower shop for Huening Kai
• Soobin grew up rich since he was raised by Jimin, but he always dressed in the same thing: Jeans and a hoodie. they weren't even good quality either 😂
• Yeonjun graduated top of his class
• Jimins father was mentioned in the story but never made an appearance because I never found a right time to write him in :/
• Jimins dad wanted Jin to be his sugar baby but Jin denied but Jimins dad still spoiled him lol
• Huening Kai eats cold things in winter and hot things in summer because then the hot chocolate will stay hot and the ice cream will stay cold
• Soobin loves baby ducks
• Beomgyu is really popular with the boys ;) it makes Yeonjun very jealous
• Huening Kai could beat Yeonjun, Jimin, Taehyun, and Soobin in a fight if he really wanted to.
• Jimin has the chance to be an official vogue model in France but denied because he would have had to move to France and he knew Soobin would never be able to learn French.
• Yeonjuns family disowned him after he came out as bisexual in his first year of high school.
• both Yeonjun and Beomgyu began living with Jungkook the same year (Yeonjun a first year in high school and Beomgyu his last year of middle school)

What happened to:
Felix- he kept his word and married Chan, after four breakups.

Yeji- ended up becoming an idol and marrying another idol.

Ryujin- decided to not be an idol after meeting her girlfriend Lia.

San- He ended up becoming a head of the local mafia and married a super model.

Namjoon- took over the mafia in America

Jin and Hoseok- they ended up getting married DUH

Taehyung and Yoongi- got into a fight and then realized they were in love.

How they met:
Yeonjun, and Beomgyus parents were friends, and the two ended up meeting Kai at the play ground because Kai gave Yeonjun and Beomgyu cookies

Why did:
• Soobin fall in love at first Crunch? Well, he always hated potato chips and the color yellow because it the brightest color on the spectrum and he hates color but seeing Huening Kai with both made him see how beautiful color was, and how tasty potato chips could be.

• Yeonjun fall in love with Beomgyu? I'll show you ;)

It was Christmas Eve, and everybody was in the living room- except for Yeonjun and Beomgyu. The two were in each other's room. Yeonjun had spent the whole night fake angry and Beomgyu, and the younger was currently yelling at him.

"THERES NO REASON FOR YOU TO BE ANGRY! OKAY LIKE IGNORING ME IS SO IMMATURE CHOI YEONJUN. IM GOING TO GIVE YOU ONE LAST CHANCE TO STOP BEING ANGRY WITH ME-" truthfully Yeonjun couldn't remember why he was fake angry, but he sat back, relaxed, and took all of Beomgyu in.

'I could get used to this' and that is when Yeonjun fell in love with Beomgyu.

• Namjoon kidnap Huening Kai?
He originally planned to kidnap Soobin, he really didn't care about Kai or his brothers, but he saw the opportunity and decided to have fun -.-

• Jimin first decide to go to America?
His relationship with Namjoon was extremely toxic and abusive on both sides. It's hard to leave a toxic relationship and even though Jimin was out of it, he still felt bound to Namjoon. He was used to giving Namjoon what he wanted but as he walked across the rooftop he realized that he couldn't let history repeat itself anymore.

And now...

Will there be a second book?

I've thought about this long and hard, and I've decided to not make a second book. For there to be a second book, there would have to be conflict such as a break up or another villain and I don't want to put them through that. Also, I feel like dragging it out would make everyone lose their charm.

I have other fan fictions published and more in the works if you would like to read them or keep a look out for them! I want to focus on them and give them my all, just like I did with LAFC <3 I hope you all understand

That being said, I do want to do a five chapter mini series on SooKais new life together: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentines, so keep a look out for that in the future!

Thank you, until next time,


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