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Q: What was the inspiration for the story?

A: Huening Kais concept trailer, and I also got a lot of inspiration from Slice of Life manga/anime. I really loved how each chapter was a different topic/conflict. I sort of used this same writing style with the rest of my stories but I think it really worked well with this book

Q: What is the key theme and/or message in the book?

A: you don't have to stay the same! Soobin struggled with the fear of forever being a bad person but at the end he finally realized he could be happy because his willingness and drive to change

Q: What is the significance of the title?

A: it's cliche falling in love at first sight but what about at first crunch? Imagine that haha falling in love with the way someone eats, I think it was a cute concept.

Q: What was the highlight of writing this book?

A: the highlight? Ummm I can't choose just one so I'll just list them

- Sookais first meeting
- The brother stalking
- Jimin
- When Yeonjun decided to give up his love for Huening Kai
- Soobins panic attack
- Jimin and Soobin realizing they both deserved to be happy
- When Soobin wrote DOG on his forehead

Q: How long did it take you to write this story?

A: 7 short months! I was actually amazed at how fast I finished this story especially with as much chapters as it has

Q: What category genre do you this your story fits into?

A: slice of life

Q: Which character did you like the most?

A: jimin xD I love writing power bottoms. I also loved Huening Kais character because of how savage and impulsive he is

Q: Why do you think you wrote this book?

A: after my mom died I was on a long writing hiatus, I was only working on Khade Hynkle Is Gay at the time but just couldn't figure out where to go with it but I KNEW I wanted to write again. With Love At First Crunch it was the first work I got into after years and I wanted something light hearted that I could experiment with. The story got so much love it gave me confidence to continue writing!

Q: Would you have ended the book differently?

A: No! I can't think of a better ending <3

Anything else you'd like to know? <3 This part can also be found in "GLENS Q&As" in my works!"

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