Beomgyu opened his eyes- which proved harder than it sounded. It felt like they were glued shut but he managed to pry them open- he had to literally use his hands. He was laying on the sofa; somehow the party ended up making its way inside. The boy felt like he hadn't gotten any sleep, his head was heavy and his body felt a hundred times heavier. He went to get up from the couch but his hungover effected him in a way that caused him to spaz out and belly flopped onto the ground
He groaned and pushed himself up. Thats when he saw the condition the house was in. It wasn't trashed but it was definantly the aftermath of a highschool party. There were even still people here passed out.
"...water..." Beomgyu's throat felt like a desert and headed to the kitchen to hydrate himself. He wobbled his way over- bumping into literally every wall on the way.
"Thirsty?" Yeonjun asked his boyfriend. He was currently cleaning the kitchen. Beomgyu didn't reply right away; instead he put his mouth under the sink faucet and turned on the water. filling his mouth with water a gulping it down.
"very" Beomgyu saythrough deep breathes after turning off the waterthrough "what happened last night?"
"San tried to get with Kai, they fought, Kai ran away and Soobin ran after him. San after I asked him what the fuck was wrong with him" Yeonjun gave Beomgyu the short story.
"What the fuck, where was I?" Beomgyu asked.
"Downing a bottle of Henessey probably" Yeonjun smirked. "They've been gone all night so I assume Soobin found him"
"I'm never drinking again" Beomgyu groaned.
"You say that everytime"
"but this time I mean it"
"You say that everytime, too" Yeonjun pulled Beomgyu in by his wrist and started to lean in to connect their lips, but before they could; a man jumped through the closed window, shattering it and sending glass flying all around. Yeonjun and Beomgyu covered their faces from instinct.
"CLEAR, GO GO GO" The man yelled into a walkie talkie, he wore all black with a bullet proof vest, heavy boots, and a black helmet covering his head and face, then another man walked in through the door wearing the same thing, and he wasn't alone. The man had a hand wrapped around Taehyuns bicep. Taehyun looked at the destroyed window with wide eyes.
"Let go of me weirdo!" He then glared at the man next to him and pulled his arm free and walked to stand next to Yeonjun and Beomgyu. Yeonjun pushed Taehyun and beomgyu behind him to guard them and then grabbed the nearest thing to protect them; a bottle of Vodka. Yeonjun smashed the round end against the counter to make it a wepon and then pointed it threateningly at the men.
"Are you fuckng serious? you couldn't use the door like a normal person?!" The man who entered with Taehyun screamed at his partner.
"It felt more badass this way" The other man said and went to take off his helmet. Blue hair fell around his features, and his cat like eyes stared at the boys.
"Yoongi?! what are you doing here?" Taehyun asked in surpise. He popped his head over Yenjuns shoulder to get a better look.
"We're here to save your asses" Yoongi told them.
"Save us from what?! the only danger here was you crashing through the window!" Yeonjun yelled.
"We can argue later, right now we have to go" The other man took off his helmet next. Red air and a boxy smile greeted the three boys.
"Taehyung?! is Hoseok here too?" Taehyun looked around.
"No, Hoseok is with Jungkook" Yoongi says.

Love at First Crunch | SooKai
FanfictionHuebin/Sookai (COMPLETED) From the first encounter, Soobin was awestruck with HueningKai, but HueningKais overprotective best friends, old romantic interests, and Soobin's thug past all cause problems for the two as their romance builds. (side ships...