YALL READY FOR THIS?????😭😭❤️❤️❤️
"So when are you going to ask out Huening Kai?" Jimin asked Soobin one morning. Soobin was peacefully eating his donut with milk when Jimin sat down in front of him. The sudden question made Soobin choke on his milk.
"W-what do you mean?" Soobin stuttered though his coughs, making Jimin roll his eyes.
"It's been months, are you going to keep athe readers waiting for 20 more chapters?"
"What readers-"
"Hehehe" Kai laughed under his breath during lunch. Beomgyu got curious and looked at what Huening was laughing at.
"Is that Soobins skin?"
"Why does it look like that?" Beomgyu asked while eyeing the picture once more. It was a picture of Kai pulling on Soobins neck skin and stretching it out.
"He looks like those squirrels that stretch out their skin to land" Yeonjun added while also looking at the picture.
"Leave him and his neck skin alone!" Kai said defensively while hiding his phone screen on his chest.
"Awww you're so cute when you get angry" Beomgyu pinches Huenings cheeks; which annoyed the younger boy even more.
"Stop touching me you ugly bear"
"You know you look cute and sweet but you're actually an evil monster" Beomgyu pulled his hands away from Huening; becoming salty.
"I'm not evil! You're just ugly" Kai said with a shrug.
"I think hes upset because Soobin still hasn't asked him out" Yeonjun Butted in; making Huening turn red.
"That's irrelevant" Kai defended.
"It's weird though.." Beomgyu hummed "..you two are basically dating, I wonder why he hasn't asked you out"
"Maybe he doesn't like him" Yeonjun stupidly said out loud. Huenings face fell and Beomgyu kicked Yeonjun under the table, making the older wince.
"W-what Do you mean?" Huening asked while turning to Yeonjun. His eyes wide and glossy. Yeonjun immediately regrets saying anything, but it was too late.
"Forget I said-"
"Tell me Junnie!" Kai demanded.
"I-it's really probably nothing but I just feel like he would have asked you out already, it's normal.."
"So he doesn't like me?" Huening asked sadly, which pissed off Yeonjun so much he had to stop himself from smacking the boy upside the head.
"You stupid coconut of course he likes you! I just think he's stupid to have waited for so long- agh I'm going to get some more milk!" Yeonjun left the table, suddenly feeling upset.
Beomgyu sighed, knowing that Yeonjun wasn't going to get milk and was going to go find his other friends and do god knows what. Beomgyu rested his head on Huenings shoulder.
"You can always ask him out too, you know?"
"You can ask Soobin to be your boyfriend too, it's a two way street" Beomgyu saw determination in Kai's eyes.
"Then I'll ask him today!"
"H-Hi" Huening Kai greeted shyly when Soobin entered the flower shop. The two scheduled an ice cream date together and Soobin came to pick up Huening.

Love at First Crunch | SooKai
FanfictionHuebin/Sookai (COMPLETED) From the first encounter, Soobin was awestruck with HueningKai, but HueningKais overprotective best friends, old romantic interests, and Soobin's thug past all cause problems for the two as their romance builds. (side ships...